-o- chapter seventeen -o-

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The two excitedly wait in line to get off the boat, fresh smells of Pineapple are everywhere.

They were given instructions on where to go, there was rows of beach housing facing the ocean just a few blocks down.

A public beach was beside the dock, a few fans were there, but the cops were there to block off any crowds.

Karl was walking with Sapnap now, as if they had been friends forever, Jimmy's group and Dream's group also joined along with them.

They walked to the Beach House Lobby with everyone else.

They had to rent out all the beach houses due to the cruise being so large, Everyone wondered where Dream got all this money.

Dream and George were first in line, they got the biggest suite.

Then it was Sapnap and Karl's turn.

"Hello there!" Sapnap smiles.

"Hello. You're both here for rooms that Dream has paid for, correct?" The front desk man asks.

Sapnap nods.

Before the front desk man could take them to their rooms, Karl requests something.

"Is there any way we could get a connected room?"

"Of course! We have one of those available, this way."

Another employee took the front desk man's place.

The man leaded them to two fairly nice rooms, connected to eachother. He then handed the two boys their keys and walked back to take care of the rest of the SMP.

"Woah." Karl says in awe.

The room was built on stilts over the water, it had deck on Karl's room, and an overhanging net like thing over the water on Sapnap's side, it was meant to be sat on, you could ask for an extra bed set and lay out on the net. This net was a bit different though, most of them only fit one person, but this one was made for two.

"This place is beautiful." Sapnap says.

"I know, right?"

The two boys also planned to leave the connecting door open at all times, so whenever they wanted to see eachother, they could.

Karl's side was a bit farther in then Sapnap's, he had a mini staircase that walked right down to the beach, which was a private beach that the beach house guests could use.

Sapnap couldn't imagine all the memories he'd make with Karl here.

Maybe he'll even get the chance to kiss Karl, to feel the burning sensation, to finally introduce Karl as his boyfriend, and not his bestfriend.

Sapnap gets lost in his thoughts for a moment until he feels a tugging on his shirt.

"Come on Sapnap! Let's go explore the place!"

Karl dragged Sapnap out of the room and out of the hotel, they took a small wonder around the area.

They went into a couple of stores, Sapnap got a map of all the islands.

"So I guess we're currently on the main Hawaii island."

"Oh cool!" Karl smiles.

They then keep walking around, visiting small shops and trying to communicate with a few people.

They then went back to their hotel rooms and started unpacking their things, it was 5:45 now.

They ordered a pizza to share together, after that they decided to sit on their balcony.

It was a bit later at night, a cool ocean breeze rushed over the two.

It wasn't late enough to sleep, yet they would probably sleep a bit earlier due to the longer day.

The two watched as the tide went in and out, along with the moon's reflection shining onto it.

Sapnap took in even more details of Karl.

His light freckles that scattered his whole face, the way he closed his eyes so slowly when blinking.

He was so beautiful.

Sapnap stared at the moon's reflection, this oddly reminded him of all his favorite times with Karl.

The time Karl ran into the room when he saw what Sapnap was doing to himself, the time when he and Karl sat during that storm, the dream, the tingling feeling of Karl's lips that he never got to experience, the time he saved Karl.

Sapnap wonders if Karl had ever dreamed about him yet.

Maybe he's just too scared to say anything.

thinking about everything made the time seem like seconds, loosing himself as he drifted away into his thoughts.

Karl scooted his chair closer to Sapnap and lightly tapped him on the hand.

"you wanna go inside and get ready for bed?" the smaller boy asks.


They walk back inside to their rooms and take a shower, then putting on comfortable pajamas.

As Sapnap was getting in bed, he sees Karl walking into his room.

"hi" karl says as he gets himself into Sapnap's bed.

"what's wrong?" Sapnap asks him.

"i just wanna be closer to you." Karl digs his head into Sapnap's shoulder.

"alright." Sapnap starts rubbing circles on Karl's back.

"you're amazing sapnap." Karl whispers into the younger man's shoulder.

"you're amazing too."

The two drift away into a deep slumber.

word count: 831

seasickness || karlnap fanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora