-o- chapter three -o-

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third person pov
sapnap woke up around 11:00, he slept past his 10:30 alarm. He knew he'd have to be at the dock in thirty minutes, he frantically changed into a cyan tanktop and some short-jeans. He quickly got his cats in the carrier, grabbing all of his things and got downstairs, he checked out of his room and checked the GPS on his phone, the walk to the dock was 10 minutes. He ran out of the hotel room.

Sapnap had finally arrived at 11:25. He handed his ticket to the police officer and got on the dock, they'd spend the next 30 minutes talking to fans. Crowds of fans roared, most of them all wearing someone's merch. Dream had his white smile mask on, he was signing autographs. George was taking pictures with fans. Sapnap was talking to all the fans, complimenting their outfits and their merch of his they we wearing. Ever so often he'd see someone wearing his favorite style of his merch and would say "Good choice!"

Many securities were very busy, as they were trying their best to not let anyone get on the dock. But that job was hard, as there were at least twenty five famous streamers/youtubers on the dock.

Those 30 minutes with fans went by crazy fast. The securities then told the crowd that the streamers would be boarding soon, the crowd of youtubers all waved as they walked to where the boat was, Sapnap was walking sluggish, due to all his suitcases and the weight of his three cats in a carrier.

Karl's POV
I was walking with Jimmy, Chris and Chandler, when I saw a man, maybe about 19. I noticed the carrier of cats in his hand. Jimmy noticed I was staring at him. He asked me. "Do you know who that is, Karl?"


"That's Sapnap, He's one of my friends, we just barely talk, he knows me because Dream introduced him to me."

"Oh cool!" I said with a smile. "Can I go help him?"


I ran over to the boy.

"Hi!" I said, looking up at him. There was something about this boy, he made me happy. I hadn't even talked to him yet.

"hi!" The boy said to me, looking down at me.

"I wanted to know if you wanted some h-help! i'm a friend of Jimmy, over there!" I pointed at Jimmy.

"Oh nice, I know Jimmy, he's cool." the boy said. "and i also don't need any help, i'm-"

I interrupted the boy, grabbing his suitcase for him.

"My name is Karl, by the way!"

"My name is Sapnap." Sapnap responded, putting out his hand and shaking hands with me.

I finally reached the dock, there stood Dream. I gave Sapnap back his suitcase.

"Thanks for helping me, I hope to see you around, It'd be nice to get to know you." Sapnap said.

"Yeah! Same I'd love to!" I responded

Everyone made it up to the dock. Dream started announcing who was on the cruise.

There was everyone from the Dream SMP, and then a few other people like me, who were one of Dream's friends, then a few people from the last era of Minecraft youtubers, like DanTDM and StampyLongNose, only truly there though to relax for a month.

Dream started saying what number rooms everyone got. Me, Jimmy, Chandler and Chris all got a room on the same row as eachothers, all next to eachother. I had gotten a two bed room, for some reason. I was waiting for Dream to call Sapnap's room.

"TechnoBlade, room 69."

"And lastly, Sapnap, Room 64, you'll be sharing with Karl because we dont have any rooms left, luckily it's a two-bed room." Dream would say.

I thought to myself. Sapnap. Sapnap, the one from earlier. Tall, handsome.

"Oh get out of my head." I said under my breath.

Dream and George got the huge suite, George wasn't too happy with sharing a room with Dream but he was still fine with it. We all walked to our rooms. I walked with Jimmy, Chris and Chandler.

"So you really got a room with your crush~~" Chris teased me.

"Shut up Chris. I don't like him, I legit met him thirty minutes ago." I replied.

"Whatever you say, Karl." Chris said, the three boys laughed.

We made it to our rooms, I unlocked the room with the key that Dream gave me. I looked down the hallway of rooms, noticing Sapnap walking with TechnoBlade.

I walked in the room. I put my pillow on the bed closest to the balcony, basically claiming it as my bed. I sat on the bed, hearing Sapnap say goodbye to Techno. He unlocked the room.

"Hey Karl."

"Hi Sapnap!"

"Nice to see we're sharing a room."

"I guess." I replied.

Sapnap unlocked the carrier, letting his cats out.

"What are their names?"

"Storm, Lily and Mogwai." Sapnap replied.

"Oh cool. Pretty names."


"So.. Karl, wanna go explore the ship with me?" Sapnap asked me.

"Sure, that sounds fun!" I replied.

Yesyes, very excited to start actually writing this! Tysm for 80-ish reads! It means alot to me. Also, credits to my friend for recommending the roomates idea. I have a few parts already planned out which will probably be in the next chapter or two. Anyway, have a lovely day/night! - Rein

Word count: 910

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