Chapter 5

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In the maze

Thomas watched from afar as Alby and Minho said their goodbyes to Newt before running into the Maze. He knew that until they found a new Runner, Alby was filling Ben's spot for the time being. Newt was in charge while Alby was gone, and everyone seemed fine with it. But Thomas couldn't help but have a bad feeling as he watched Alby enter the Maze.

Later that day he sat on a tree stump as he watched Newt and another Glader hack at another tree with their machetes. "Why did Alby go into the Maze?"

"He's going to retrace Ben's steps." Newt replied simply.

"He's going back to the place where Ben was just stung?" Thomas said in disbelief. How

was that in any way a good idea?

"Listen, Alby knows what he's doing. Better than any of us in fact."

"What does that mean?"

Newt sighed and scratched at his ear, "It's like you've heard, yeah? Every month the box sends up a new Greenie. But someone had to be first. Someone had to spend a whole month in the Glade alone. And that person was Ably," Newt turned back to chop at the tree trunk, "It can't have been easy, but when those other boys started comin' up one after the other, he saw the truth. He learned that the most important thing is that we all have each other."

Thomas didn't say a word. He simply stood, grabbed his own machete and joined Newt in hacking at the tree. He and Newt shared small smiles before getting back to work.

Eventually the other runners had returned to the Glade at their usual time, all except Minho and Alby. This was more than enough to set the other Gladers on edge. As the day was nearing an end, right about the time the doors were about to close, the boys gathered at the entrance to the Maze.

"Shouldn't they be back by now?" Thomas was getting worried. They should be back, what if something happened?

"They're gonna make it." Newt said assuredly. The other Gladers didn't say a word as they waited at the entrance. Thomas could tell they were worried, and they had every right to be, their Leader and Keeper of the Runners had yet to return. They all knew what it meant if they didn't return before the closing of the doors, they would stuck in the Maze, and no one had survived a night out in the Maze.

"Can't we send someone after them?" Thomas said, he couldn't just stand there while Minho and Alby were out there.

"It's against the rules," Gally said quietly, "Either they make it back or they don't."

Newt turned to Thomas, "Can't risk losing anyone else."

The tell-tale gust of wind and heavy groaning of the doors made Thomas's fears come to light. They needed to make it back, they had to.

"Oh no." he heard Chuck say quietly beside him.

Around the corner Thomas caught a glimpse of movement, "There!" he shouted pointing to where Minho was dragging an unmoving Alby to the entrance.

"Guys I don't think they're gonna make it."Isaac stated the obvious to the pack.

"Wait, no, something's wrong." Newt muttered. Minho was screamed in exertion as he tried to drag Alby to the entrance. The doors were getting closer and closer to slamming shut, they weren't going to make it, Thomas knew that. He joined in with the other boys, screaming and cheering for Minho to make it.

"Come on, you can do it!"
"You can make it!"

Minho attempted to drag Alby by his feet, "You gotta leave him!" Gally shouted.

Thomas looked to the other boys as they stood there, screaming for Minho to leave Alby and save himself. They weren't going to make it. He knew what he had to do.

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