Chapter 1

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Sorry I had to with that picture 😂
With the pack:

For nearly three and a half years he had been missing. It had happened right after the whole Kanima debacle, everyone was alive, though slightly traumatized, and everything was actually okay. About a week later, the Sheriff had come to Scott, asking him if he'd seen Stiles. Apparently when the Sheriff had gone to wake him up he hadn't been there, but his car was still there, along with his wallet, his phone, and everything else.

Scott had told Derek and Derek had called a pack meeting. Once they had gathered enough to know that Stiles hadn't just run away, he had been taken, they launched a full out search. The search continued for months and they came up with nothing. They kept searching for years, but eventually they had to face the facts and admit to themselves they had no idea where Stiles was and they had no idea how to get him back.

So the searching stopped and they moved on with their lives. But they never forgot Stiles, he was always in the back of their minds, they just couldn't let the spazzy, hyperactive teenager go that easily.


Today was Stiles birthday, he would have been nineteen, it also marked the day when he had officially been missing for three and a half years. It was a somber event, but the whole pack had agreed it was only right to at least get together and honor his memory by doing what he would have wanted; that is to say spend five minutes with each other without killing one another. Though things had changed over the years and the pack Stiles had known before was now a family. They had come to terms that after over three years they knew they had very little, if no chance of ever seeing Stiles again.

Sure the he was extremely annoying and he could be an ass sometimes, but Stiles was always there for every single one of them, and he had saved their asses too many times to just be forgotten. The Sheriff, Scott, and surprisingly Derek had taken the longest to at least attempt to move on from Stiles. The Sheriff had a brief spout where he fell back into his drinking, but Melissa and Scott were there to pull him out of his misery and remind him he wasn't alone.

There were days that Scott didn't sleep when he was out looking for any trace of Stiles, he couldn't except that his best friend was gone, couldn't except that his brother wasn't there. Allison had been there for him, reminded him that he still had the pack and her, and they were doing everything they could to find Stiles.

Derek had Erica, Boyd, and Isaac to distract him from the emptiness he felt whenever he thought about Stiles. He and Stiles had only been together a short two weeks before he was taken. Derek had found the one person who made him happiest and just like that he was pulled from him. Even still, even after they officially ended their search for Stiles, he was always on the lookout for anything that could even remotely lead him to Stiles.

In other words, they were all coping. Barely.

Over the years, the pack had grown extremely close, now they considered themselves a family. After the whole Kanima situation and Stiles going missing, Derek had forgiven Peter for what he had done in a fit of insanity, and he was granted part in the pack. As it turns out Peter was actually a relatively nice guy, except for his little homicidal tendencies here and there, Derek had noticed he was starting to act like the Peter he knew before the fire.

Erica and Boyd had decided to come back to Derek when they realized that what Derek was doing was only trying to ensure their safety. Scott, Allison, Jackson, Lydia, and Danny had all joined the pack as well. Allison became their ambassador of sorts, meeting with other hunters to let them know the Hale pack was not to be touched. Lydia and Danny took up the researching that had been lacking since Stiles had gone.

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