Chapter 2

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I love that picture pure Dylmas

In the glade

He awoke gasping and spluttering, greedily gulping in air like his life depended on it. He coughed and panted, he stumbled to his feet looking around frantically to try and figure out where he was. The air was dank and musty, and he had the pressing feeling of claustrophobia, and he soon realized he was in some kind shaft. It was too dark to see to see anything clearly, all he knew was that he was in some sort of room, it was cold and damp and cramped.

Suddenly he heard the sound of metal groaning and screeching and the metal box starting moving rapidly upwards. He fell backward, his terror renewed as the box climbed the elevator shaft faster and faster.

He scrambled around helplessly, trying in vain to find a way out of the metal box. But the only thing he could feel was there were several wooden boxes around him, what they were filled with he had no idea. He curled up in a corner of the box as it continued to ascend, attempting to calm himself as he got more and more worked up.

It could've been minutes or hours, it was too hard to tell, before the box came to a startling halt. Panicking, he tried to burrow himself deeper within himself. Suddenly he heard the tell-tale sound of gears turning, and the sound of metal doors creaking and groaned. It wasn't long before light flooded the box, too bright for him to see clearly after being in the dark for so long.

The next thing he heard was laughter. It was cheery and derisive. The sound of several boys laughing, from what he could tell at him, was enough to make him even more scared. He lifted a shaky hand to try and block the sun from his eyes so he could get a look at the laughing boys. From what he could see, there were several boys all crowded around the metal box, looking down at him as if he were an ant under a magnifying glass.

One of the boys suddenly leaped down from where they were looking on, shaking the cage when he landed heavily. The other boy leaned down in his face and grabbed him around the shoulders, "Day one, Greenie. Rise and shine."

After the boy had hauled him out of the metal box, the other boys had converged on him, shouting strange things like "Greenie" and "Shank". Their laughter taunted him and their grabby hands scared him, it was all too much. He felt his breathing become even faster and his heart beat harshly against his chest, he needed to get out of here. This wasn't right, he needed to get out.

He burst through the wall of boys and sprinted into the open field that lay ahead of him. He ran as his legs could carry him, trying to get away from whatever the hell was going on. Whatever was happening wasn't safe, it all felt so wrong he wasn't sure of what to do. So he ran. The next thing he knew was that he was tripping over his own feet and he tumbled face first into the ground.

He let himself stay on the ground, trying to gather himself by breathing deeply and heavily, he could hear the boys laughing even harder in the distance. Shakily he rose to his feet. "Take it all in Greenie!" One of the boys shouted.

He was standing in the middle of a huge field, the entire thing surrounded by enormous thick concrete walls. In one corner was a small forest, in another a small cluster of huts and what looked like hammocks strung up between beams of wood. He turned absently in circles, numbly taking in his surroundings.

He was trapped. That much was for sure, the walls were massive and intimidating. His eyes wandered to the huge break in the walls, it looked like it lead somewhere, a way out maybe. So he hastily started to walk to it, but was stopped by a firm hand on his shoulder. "I wouldn't do that if I were you Greenie."

The boy, well he looked more like a man, was a little shorter than him and dark skinned. Behind him a few of the others were trailing, the other boys seemed to have lost most of their interest and gotten back to whatever they had been doing before.

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