Chapter 4

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With the Packstreet Boys. Look at the picture to get it 😂

"So you mean to tell me, that my son, after over three years is just now getting to this maze? And that you have no idea where this place is or why the hell the boys are there in the first place?"

Derek looked around, like he was looking for someone to give a better answer, "So far, that's all we know." he said assuredly.

There was an awkward silence as the pack watched the Sheriff take in all the new information. His son was trapped in a huge maze, unaware of his own name. It was almost too much, how on earth were they going to fix this one?

Chris looked oddly confused about something, like he was trying to figure out why it sounded familiar, after a moment his eyes widened. "Derek I need to see this place Stiles is in."

Derek nodded to Danny who was now back with his computer, Danny turned the laptop to the group. The screen showed Stiles (Thomas) talking with another Glader, Ably if he remembers correctly. They were talking about what had just happened with Ben and something called the Changing which only happened when someone was stung by a Griever. Apparently a Griever sting triggered some kind of period where the person stung remembers. Remembers what exactly, he had no idea. A sick part of himself partially hoped Stiles would be stung, maybe he would remember himself and his family.


Images flickered through his mind in flashes of color and whisper's of voices.

There was an image of him behind some kind of computer, fingers dancing across the screen as he did something he couldn't remember doing.

Thomas stood in front of glass tubes filled with water, someone was screaming at him from inside the tube, but he couldn't tell who.

He looked up from an examination table seeing people in surgical clothing. A woman's voice sounded as the surgical team descended on him, "WICKED is good."

A girls voice reverberated in his head throughout the entire thing, all she was saying was "Thomas" over and over again, like she was trying to get his attention. "Everything is going to change," she said.

He heard his own voice say, "WICKED is good."

The images were overwhelming, Thomas didn't understand any of it. Was that his life before the Maze. Who were those people? What did the women mean when she said 'WICKED was good'

Thomas was rudely woken from his sleep by Chuck, "Come on, you've been sleeping all afternoon, you're going to miss the Banishing."

Thomas momentarily forgot about his dream, "The what?"

Chuck looked down at his feet sadly, "They're Banishing Ben for what he did to you. Rules are simple and he violated one of them: Never harm another Glader."

Thomas had an idea of it already, but asked anyway, "Where are they Banishing him to?"

Chuck didn't answer, just lowered his head and walked to where the other Gladers had gathered, the entrance to the Maze. Thomas hung back with Chuck, watching as Ben was dragged to the entrance by Minho, blubbering and whimpering pitifully, "Please. Please listen to me. Please don't."

Surrounding them stood several Gladers, the ones on both sides of Ben and Minho stood ready with long sharpened sticks, preventing Ben from making a run for it. The Gladers standing behind held large wooden poles, a bar of wood at the top, as to push someone forward without getting to close to the great concrete walls that could crush anyone who got too close.

Minho looked down sadly, Thomas knew how hard it must be to send away someone who had been there so long. Minho took the sack of water he held in his hands and threw it into the Maze, just beyond the entrance, enough to give Ben the slightest promise of a fighting chance.

Minho stood back and took a pole of his own along with Alby and the others. The sounds of gears turning and strong gust of wind coming from the Maze signaled the closing of the doors. Ben was begging and pleading, "Please don't. Please," tears running his eyes and blood dripping from his mouth. They had never treated him for the Griever sting, seeing as he was going to die either way, they weren't willing to waste their resources.

"Posts!" Alby shouted, and the other Gladers lowered their poles, "Move in," the boys converged pushing Ben closer to the entrance of the Maze. Ben was half-heartedly pushed against the poles, futilely looking for a way out. He was hysterical as he tried to beg his way out of the situation, but he knew it was for nothing.

The doors were closing slowly as Ben was pushed farther and farther into the Maze, almost past the entrance. Eventually he accepted his fate and walked unsteadily into the Maze. Ben last scream of "No!" was abruptly cut off by the boom of the concrete doors sealing shut.

The Gladers stood for a moment, no one said or did anything, they just took a moment to mourn the loss of another Glader. Alby turned to the group, "He belongs to the Maze now." Without another word, Alby walked away, giving Thomas half a glance before he did so.

The boys slowly trickled away and went back to their business, some of them looked at Thomas with anger in their eyes, others gave him a look of pity, and some didn't look at him at all.

Thomas couldn't help but think back to when Ben had said this was all 'his fault'. What did that mean? Did it have to do with his strange dreams?

Speaking of dreams, the memory of those strange people was still swimming around in his head. It had been too real to be just a dream, he knew those people, he could tell. But he didn't know who they were or why they were so important.

It had to have just been a dream, right? People weren't supposed to remember anything other than their names, that's how it was with everyone else. Why should he be any different? But he still couldn't deny how real the images felt. He decided it was best he worried about it later, he had more important things to think about.

Thomas turned to look at the Maze, silently wishing Ben good luck because even if he did attack him, Ben didn't deserve a punishment like that. Thomas turned his back and returned to camp.


"Well that was fucked up." Scott said bluntly.

"You can say that again," Isaac piped in, "Did they really just throw that kid into the Maze and leave him there to die?"

"Well he did try to kill Stiles..." The pack in a state of mixed emotion, they weren't quite sure if they should feel angry or saddened by the events that just took place.

The Sheriff had gone back to the station to try and use his connections to get any information he could. In the meantime, the pack couldn't do much but watch Stiles and hope Danny may find something helpful through his hacking.

"What do we do now?" Scott said defeatedly. He felt useless, they had finally found his best friend and he could do nothing to get him back, only sit on his ass and wait. He needed his brother back, he didn't know how long he was willing to wait until he went crazy.

"I think it's time we all get some rest. It's been a long day and nothing good will come of it if we're all suffering from sleep deprivation. I'll keep watch over Stiles while you guys sleep. We'll figure out a schedule in the morning when we're all rested." Derek put a reassuring hand on Scott's shoulder. He knew there was little chance the pack would get a good night's sleep, but the pack looked at him gratefully.

There was little word exchanged as the pack went upstairs to get ready for bed. The girl's gave Derek a kiss on the forehead before heading up to their rooms, the boys simply nodding meaningfully at him before doing the same.

When they had eventually vacated the living room Derek slumped back into the couch with a heavy sigh. He ran a hand over his face in weariness. On the screen, Stiles was sleeping soundly in one of the many hammocks the other Gladers had set up.

It was an odd feeling, feeling so close to finding Stiles but also so far away. It was a mixture or hope and frustration. He wouldn't allow himself to give up on Stiles when he knew they were so close to finally having him back with them. He longed for the day when he would at last have the feeling of Stiles back in his arms. 

Chapter 4 is up. Word could 1526. Sorry it's shorter than the others I couldn't figure out what else to write.

Lost and found- TW/TMRKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat