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Y/N's stay at the Crimson Lions was full of bliss and laughter. Although not physically fit as the other members, Fuegoleon trained her hard. The italicized word itself was not an overexaggeration as the poor woman's body was not used to such vigor flowing throughout her body.

"Pleaseee tell me that was the last." she breathed out, wiping the sweat trickling down her forehead as she laid on the grass where the Vermillion would take her so that they can spar freely without much eyes on them as she preffered.

Fuegoleon chuckles from his place before towering over her figure and bringing one hand out for her to reach, "Yes that is the last, for now."  A huff escapes her mouth as she took his hand. 

"Seriously. Do you think I'm joking when I tell you that I will die when you tire me too much!?" the man only chuckles at her before giving a towel which she harshly took from him, earning another light laugh.

"Are you... off to somewhere?" despite being dumb, Y/N was quick enough to understand that Fuegoleon has grown fond of her over a few days. Actually, that was a lie. Leopold had to show her his brother's personal noted beneath his desk for her to believe that the man developed something more than friendship for her.

Though she simped for him the real world, the H/C-haired girl also realized that she had to lessen her enthusiasm towards the Captains before something grows more. She had her eyes settled on one of them already, so this was one of the only ways to accomplish that.

"Does the base have a library? I plan on reading a few things and maybe I can uhm, ask for paper and writing utensils?" he nodded at her and proceeded to his office to get some parchment and quill as she took a bath and afterwards escorted her to the Royal Library.

Indeed the woman was determined to save people's lives, but her initial plan was simple. She had to study the terrain of Clover Kingdom, mainly the Royal Capital before the attacks of the Eye of the Midnight Sun even begin. She knows she has not great power that can save all of the lives of those who's deaths are nearing in an inevitable manner, but the thought of having to do something made it seem right.

"Thank you, Captain Fuegoleon. You have been the kindest to me since I've been here." she said, turning to the man who's eyes never left her figure and smiling at her before quietly leaving.

"All right!" she began, balling her hands into fists while her eyes looked around and jumped up and down excitedly as she's never seen nor hold Clover books. Their history was so different from her own she couldn't keep her excitement leaking on her face.

Failing to notice another person entering the library, humming a tune, she stacked seven books on top of four and tried carrying them slowly to the tables in the middle before stopping as she saw a pair of boots blocking her way from below.

"Uhmm, I'm sorry but could you please move? This stack is heavy and I don't think I can manuever around you." A chuckle left the person's lips before they peeked to the side.

Y/N blushes and drops the books, "A-Ah! Captain Vangeance!! I-I'm sorry! I didn't m-mean to!" 'Why am I stuttering?' she thought inwardly as the man dismisses her apology to help pick up the books that she dropped. 

The said girl was careful enough to that their hands wouldn't brush against each other. As the masked man helped her carry all the books to the table, he couldn't help but worry as the woman's cheeks burned in bright red, "Are you alright?" he asked, placing a hand on her forehead making the girl flinch.

"I-I a-am. Thank y-you." she replied, taking the hand on her forehead of, unknowingly making contact with him again, apologizing yet again for carelessly touching him. "It's fine. What brings you here?" William asks. 'How lucky we even bumped into her. Find out more, William.' Patri reminded him as she sat on the chair.

"Obviously reading. How about you, Captain Vangeance?" she returned, grin widening knowing that the masked man kept looking at her intently.

He flashed her a smile as he clasped both of his hands behind his back, "I heard singing." his statement was enough to make her blush again, burying her face under the book making Vangeance chuckles again.

"Y-You weren't su-supposed to h-hear that." she uttered, voice barely audible while lifting her head to find him, still staring at her. 'He wasn't supposed to hear that because the song is basically dedicated for him!'

Soon enough William goes around the library while searching for a book. A yawn escapes her mouth as slumped against the uncomfortable wooden chair, 'What is it with wooden chairs that are uncomfortable here?' Her eyes leaving the book and landing on the couch situated between two pillars and briskily running there making herself comfortable.

Her muscles relaxed at the softness of the furniture while trying to remember when she last slept. Ever since she went inside her favorite anime she never slept a wink. Y/N could feel herself getting tired and sleepy, but no matter what she did, her body refused to give her what she has been heeding for. So maybe pretend sleeping would feel the same.

Unknown to her, William has been watching her being furious over which side to lay her head on the couch as every place felt uncomfortable. When he walked over her, she was already scooting away from him at the other end of the couch. "Shall I read to you?" he asked hesitantly. 'I told you to get to know more about her magic, William. Not her as a person! Seriously—'

"That... would be muchly appreciated." The captain of the Golden Dawn formed a thin smile on his face as she scooted closer to him. Due to the giddiness filling William within, he noticed how her breath kept hitching everytime his knee touched hers, making the man smirk every now and then as he purposedly kept repeating the act.

William stops mid-sentence to eye her from a closer range, noticing how her head fell on the side before redirecting it so she could sleep on his shoulders. From the shadows her eyelashes casted, to the peaceful snores that escaped her, he... oddly liked it. 'SO much for extracting information.' Patri sneered, still unable to understand why Willaim took a sudden interest with someone who holds no mana, nor grimoire. 

"How enchanting," he said, chuckling as he did, his hand reaching over to a strand of her hair that was misplaced and tucking it behind her ear failing to notice how Y/N was not sleeping at all.

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A/N: Darn. William Fluff got me going(/。\) 

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