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"You want us to apologize, in your stead, for proposing?"

      As incredulous as it sounded, it was the truth and nothing but the whole truth.

      "How the fuc—" Y/N nudged Yami, a reminder that they were talking to the Wizard King which the man often forgot.

      The Black Bulls captain cleared his throat, "Yah, like I said, how'd you end up proposing to the wrong gal anyway? And you had one? Come on, old man."

      "Hehe, it's not that difficult of a situation. Only a misunderstanding—"

      "Yes it is!" This time, it was Y/N who was upset. "Small misunderstandings should be cleared before they become an even bigger predicament."

      "She's right. You gotta tell us the whole deets before we do your bidding for you." Yami reasoned and Y/N had to hold off her laughter from hearing the word deez.

      Julius scratched his head, "Well you see, Yami-kun, Y/n-chan, I was looking for new magic in a nearby town in Kikka when I saw one merchant on her way to a farther part of the Kingdom to trade her vegetable for a heap of coal."

      Y/N nodded along to the Wizard King's story, still in absolute disbelief their "very important urgent mission" was to apologize to a poor maiden's heart because the Wizard King accidentally gave her a ring, mistaken as a marriage proposal.

      "But as we were strolling, she had told me of her magic. It was herbal magic and she said she could see the medicinal content of each plant and I thought it was so cool!!!"

     'Of course he did. Any magic is exciting to this man. But how did he propose wrongly? Argh, get to the point already Sir Julius!'

      "However, while we were strolling the forest she failed to see the thorns stuck on her hair. As a gentleman, I had to remove it. When I did I found a round circle, shaped like a ring kind of branch and dropped it dropped to the ground so I—"

      Y/N sighed to herself, "so you kneeled to the ground to pick the damn thing up and when you raised your head there you were— proposing? Please tell me I've got the gist of the problem already."

      Julis chuckled nervously "Ahhm... no that's not what happened hehehe."

      "The FUCK? There's more?" even Yami was appalled.

       How else would he have accidentally proposed other than that overused cliche rom-com plot?

      "After I picked it up, I stood from the ground and asked her why she was quiet. I then found her looking at the trunk of a tree and that's where I made a mistake by reading the text out loud."

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