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"You w-want me to... t-take my clothes off?" Y/N choked out the words at the young Captain who didn't seem one bit fazed at his own absurd request. The third week signified it was her turn to spend some time with the captain of the Azure Deers.

From the moment she had entered their base, Rill immediately pulled her to his office and had her sit in silence for a whole hour so he could paint the "perfect" portrait of her, trying his best to capture her features which she believe he exaggerated far to much in relation to his perspective of her beauty.

Y/N knew that he was an avid fan of anything that seemed to spark the passionate flames of art in his little heart, but to think it would come to the point where he would sneak to her room in the middle of the night and wanted her to strip off was far from outrageous itself.

"EH? Why are you all red? I just think you're a goddess, Y/N-chan! And this would be the last! Once I am able to finish a painting of every single part of your body—" whatever scandalous thing he was going to say, was cut off when Y/N threw several pillows at his face.

The girl stood up from her place furiously, and huffed at Rill's obliviousness, "Are you an idiot!? You're asking an adult woman to strike a pose for you naked, Rill. No clothes? Everything bare? Every? single? thing?" the glare which she sent him made the boy think twice.

As if realizing titanic has sunk, Rill's eyes widen, his face in hues of red, and was now sweating, much to his chagrin. What have I done!?'  he asked himself, trying not to make eye contact with the E/C-eyed woman who chuckled at him.

Y/N patted the young captain's hair before taking her cape that hung on the hook, and neatly placing her satchel around her waist, "I need to go to the library, Captain. See you in a bit." she said, winking at him as she closed the door, leaving poor Rill to reflect on his actions and probably sulk for a while.

__ __ __

"Ow, Ow, Ow!" the Wizard King winced in pain as Marx grabbed him by the ear and pulled him out of the library, "I'll see you later, Y/N-chaann!" Julius yelled at her who found it rather amusing to see the Wizard King's advisor be vexed at his magic nerdiness live.

"No. You'll be finishing today and yesterday's pile of work!" she heard Marx reprimand him as the door in front of her closed, bringing her back to the present situation.

Despite wanting to find a way to get back home, Y/N instead focused on a proper evacuation place for the attack at the Royal Capital that was bound to happen in a few days— 1 week and three days specifically. 

The maps written in the old history books of Clover Kingdom were suprisingly updated making her work on accessing and drafting all possible escape routes the easiest. On the contrary, she pondered on the situation, and asked herself whether it'd be best if she told them of her knowledge or not.

If she did tell them of it, they would most likely lock her up in a cellar for accusing the man closest to becoming the Wizard King a traitor, with no actual proof in hand, but her words that were in fact from a complete stranger from who on Clover knows where.

That wasn't what conflicted her though, the raging dispute in her mind was actually caused by her feelings towards the masked man. It was wrong. Every part of it was. But for the past few weeks she began to notice how much he payed attention to her. She could be delusional for all she cares, but the thought of betraying him, somehow, did not sit right with her.

'I could just let things play out, right? I mean, in the real BC things turned up well in the end. Well, ok maybe Julius almost died, and became a kid. And maybe yes, Fuegoleon got his arm cut off— but it was replaced with a fire one which is much cooler wasn't it? Wait... what if he actually hates his arm and,... ugh. I hate using my brain!' 

The girl ran a hand through her hair, and sighed. 'To think a problem harder than trigonometry or calculus actually existed.'

She receives a light tap on the shoulder, scaring the life out of her, "Bro, What the heck is wrong with you— EEAP! CAPTAIN VANGEANCE, SIR!" the girl stood up and frantically bowed at him, who in turn, intently watch how distraught she seemed by his presence.

"You can drop the formalities when we're alone, Y/N." the way her name rolled out his tongue seemed like it was the most significant word the girl ever heard. The butterflies fluttering non-stop in her stomach made her self-conscious as she could feel her face exploding with steam above it.

The air was so brittle it could snap, and if it doesn't, she might. No-one speaks, what is there to say? Platitudes won't cut it right now. Just a few days ago, his words got latched on her mind, not knowing what to do, ending up with her saying anything to herself to ease the terrible burden of worry. But now he's in front of her, either burning up at this moment, or safely, platonically, coincidentally meeting her.

The two were like sitting knee deep in silence. The broken pipes drips onto a nearby tree's branch, each one reverberating around the room like a cymbal, yet no-one blinks or moves to stop it. 

William moved from his place to get a closer look of the books, but Y/N immediately closes it all and snatches the pre-written and drawn drafts of the map and escapes routes she made, "U-Uhh, I like geology as you can see. A-And it uhm,... it kind of explains why I know a lot about the earthquakes and all hehe." she scratches her head, sighing in relief. 'that was good, it didn't sound fake too, if we exclude the stuttering parts.' 

"I take it that you are done?"

She blinks in confusion, but nods her head in the end.

The captain of the Golden Dawn takes the initiative and holds her hand, gently pulling her outside the library. The sudden contact of their skin sent shivers up her spine. It felt as though William wanted to kill her out of ecstacy right then and there. "C-CAPTAIN VANGEANCE WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME!?" 'doesn't really matter, BUT STILL!'

The masked man chuckles at the disoriented Y/N who's face was beet red, her eyes lingered on their hands clasped together, and momentarily moved to his lips. 'Don't forget why you're here.' Patri reminded him, but Vangeance heard none of it as his focus was scattered, so filled with nervous anticipation was he, so excited, even giddy. The indefinite directions his thoughts went too were principally to her.

Every single reaction she gave off enticed him entirely, that all the masked man could think of was how to get more of it out of her. He stopped in his tracks to face the girl, pulling them slightly closer to him, and carefully lifting her hand he held, caressing it even before placing a soft kiss on the back of her palm. 

In the desperation of Y/N's feelings, she bit her inner lip harshly, trying to prevent any squeaking noises from coming out of her mouth due to the extreme levels of fangirling that were seeping through.

"If you would not mind, I'd like to get to know you better, Y/N."

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I accidentally published it while previewing it for a double-check skhdsjkds... here it is then :cries in embarrassment:

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