Eventually their pack became strong and healthy, everyone knew the Hale pack was not to be messed with. Their only recent problems had been a few ballsy hunters thinking they could get a shot at the Hale pack and a couple feral omegas that had to be put down for their own good.

So here they sat, in the living room of the newly rebuilt Hale House, Scott had decided he would tell stories from when he and Stiles were kids, and all the insane things they used to do together. Most of them ended with both of them in trouble or mildly injured, but the sad smile on Scott's face never fell.

They eventually decided to just snuggle up and watch a movie until everyone fell asleep. Derek, Isaac, Erica, and Boyd were on the couch, Lydia, Jackson, Scott, and Allison on each of the loveseats, Peter was snoring in one of the armchairs. Danny was typing furiously on his laptop, stopping every few moments and staring frustratedly at the screen, chewing on his nails before going back to typing.

Just as everyone was nearly asleep, they heard Danny whisper, "Oh my god," then he shouted and nearly jumped out his seat in excitement, "I did it! I actually did it!"

Everyone jumped, "What? What did you do?" asked Jackson.

"I hacked their cameras! It took me so fucking long, but I did it!"

Derek narrowed his eyes, "Danny, hacked who's cameras?

"Okay, okay, okay, so a while back I was looking into disappearances similar to Stiles' again," that caught everyone's attention and they were all staring hopefully at Danny, "and I don't know how but I somehow got to this system call W.I.C.K.E.D, I think it's some scientific department or something, but I hacked into their mainframe. From what I can tell they're doing some kind of experiment on teenagers. But I found him, I found Stiles-"

The whole pack erupted in a flurry of cheers, questions, and shouts. Their faces lit up with surprise, and hope, and fear. "Stop! I'm not finished!"

The pack hesitantly sat down, the worry clear in their eyes, "Anyways, I have no idea where this place is or what exactly their testing, but I know it's called The Maze Trials," he paused to take a deep breath, "There are at least 40 other boys involved in the trials, and I know this because I just hacked into their cameras, which was really hard to do by the way, and I'm looking at them right now."

Everyone crowded around Danny and was met with the sight of an enormous glade; small huts made out of wood and straw were clustered in one corner, a small forest was placed next to it, near the huts was what looked to be a farm of sorts. The entire thing was surrounded by enormous concrete walls, one of which seemed to open to somewhere they couldn't see from the camera angle. Throughout the enclosure, there were boys from what looked like the ages of 12-20 all milling around or doing some type of job. Lydia asked, "Does anyone see Stiles?"

Everyone looked closer to the screen, trying to find some sort of indication that Stiles might be there, but ultimately found nothing. "Danny, I thought you said you found him!" Scott nearly screamed in frustration.

"I did I swear! He should be here! I saw his name on the list. He has to be in there." Danny said assuredly.

Suddenly all the boys on the screen rushed to gather over a metal platform that looked like it was opening. "Danny can you get sound?"

Danny nodded quickly, typing a few keys on the keyboard, the camera zoomed closer to the box and they were immediately met with the many sounds of all of the boys murmuring and laughing to each other. It was hard to determine exactly what they were saying, but it sounded like "We got a new greenie comin'." "Wonder what this one will be like." and "You think this one will klunk his pants just like Chuck?"

"What the hell are they talking about?" Jackson said over the confusion.

Before anyone could even think to answer they all heard the groaning and creaking of the metal doors opening. The boys all crowded closer around the box trying to get a better look, blocking the pack's view of what was inside.

"What the fuck is going on?" Derek sounded angry.

Danny shook his head, eyes wide, "I have no idea."
Their attention was soon drawn back to the laughing heard from the screen, while they hadn't been looking whatever had been in the cage was out and the other boys were crowding around it. Suddenly another boy burst out of the space the others had confined him in, sprinting like his life depended on it through the field ahead of him. He didn't make it all that far before tripping and sprawling out on the ground.

Cheers erupted from the crowd of teenage boys. Such thing as "we got a runner" with emphasis on the r or cry's of laughter. "Take it all in Greenie!" Someone shouted from near the box. Shakily, the fallen boy rose from the grass and turned around in circles, taking in his surroundings. His breathing was heavy, obviously panicked and scared.

"Hold on, Danny get a close up of the kid." That was Peter who spoke up.

The camera zoomed closer and the pack let out a collective gasp when the boy's face was visible: it was Stiles.

"Holy shit." Erica whispered, her mouth slack and eyes wide. She along with everyone else, looked like something akin to a fish breathing dry air.

Stiles still looked like himself, amber eyes, upturned nose, pouty mouth, and the countless moles that dotted his skin, but he had obviously grown: he looked taller, more muscular, his hair had even grown out, reaching half way down his forehead instead of the buzzcut he always wore.

It was actually Stiles, the one they had been searching for for nearly 4 years was right in front of them. But they had no way of saving him, hell they didn't even know where he was, the only thing they did know is that he's in that glade along with nearly 40 other boys just like him.

The pack had no clue what the boys were doing there in the first place. Was it some kind of sick prison or experiment, they had no idea.

Basically, they were only slightly closer to finding him than they were before. At least now they could see what was happening to him, could know that for now he was unharmed.

"Wait," Isaac spoke up, "This camera feed is live right?"

"Yeah." Danny responded, confused.

"If Stiles is just getting there now, what the hell has he been doing for the past 3 and a half years?"

First chapter done I hope you guys like the story. Word count 1860. I don't know how long this will be but I want you guys to help me should this should the pack fine the graders after the first movie, second movie or third. Like where they can find Stiles because after the escape Wckd they have no idea where he is.

I want to go with movie three. Like where there isn't much they can see from movie two because they are in the desert but Danny can find cameras in places like the right arm or when wckd comes.

Also I think the ships in this story will be Thomesa and Sterek like it will be Thomesa how it is in the movies and books and then Sterek  when he gets back.

I may also do two version of this book meaning like two different times they are found so one would be after the first movie and one would be this one.

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