
"I know your not at Jessica's so where are you?"

"Pick up the phone!"

"What do I pay your phone bill for? Pick up the damn phone?!" 

"Where are you?"

"Why cant Alice find you?"

"Elizabeth Mason Cullen pick up the phone!"

Oh shit, I was so in trouble when I got home later.....

I went back in just shutting my phone off. Sam still sat on the sofa. I sat by him going into my head. I think it was time i told him the truth but what would happen? Would he make us break up or move me away? "Liz!" I snapped out my thoughts looking at Sam. "Sorry, what did you say?" he frowned turning the TV down low. "Is everything okay?" I smiled at him but then my worry's came at me again "To be honest, no, I'm not okay. My dad knows I'm not at Jessica's and I know when i go home tomorrow something is going to happen and I'm scared. What if he moves me so we cant be together?" Sam hugged me pulling me close. "You can't worry about that Liz, I told you that i would follow you to the ends of the world if you asked me too." He looked into my eyes moving my hair behind my ear. "Your my reason for living and your worry's are mine." I grinned. "So, are you going to be the one to tell him the truth about us?" I asked. He chuckled "Uh, ya?" We both laughed. I touched him face smiling at him. "It okay, I'll just make up a lie. I'll say I left out of town with another friend or something." He frowned at me. "What?" i asked. He shrugged "Nothing." He was upset now? What did I say wrong? "Hey Lizzy bee!" I looked at the door as the boys came in with there imprints showing. I grinned at Jared who called me that silly nickname. "Hey Jare Bear" he growled. It sounded like Care Bear and made it funny to me. I went over to greet them all. Hugging Rachel and Kim while the guys talked. I took them outside on the porch swing to talk. I told them everything including Sam's behavior. The girls looked at each other before speaking. "Do you want us to be honest?" Kim asked. I nodded. "You know how rich guys hide there poor girlfriend away because there embarrassed of them but don't want to tell it to there face and just end up dumping them as there family finds out?'" I stare at Kim. "Uh, ya?" i frown not sure where this was going. "Ugh, ignore Kim. What were trying to say is, Sam thinks your trying to keep him a secret cause your embarrassed about him." I frown. "But that's not true, I told him it had to do with them being vampires." Rachel sighs "Ya, but look at it from Sam's view. I mean how would you feel if Sam hid you from the world?" I sighed. "Horrible..." Now i know why he was upset. He didn't want me to lie anymore. He wanted them to know I was dating him and to be proud about it. And I was but i just didn't want to lose my dad.... I hugged them. "Thanks guys. Tell Sam, I'll be back hopefully." I grabbed my keys and went to my car I went back home where I would finally tell my father....the truth....about me and Sam.

As soon as my car pulled up my father stood in the driveway. Bella next to him. I felt like a little kid again... I parked and got out. He rushed up to me. "Where were you?!" He growled. "I was...I was with my boyfriend." I bit my lip. I saw his face change and knew I was in trouble. " Boyfriend?! " He growled. "Edward, calm down." Bella whispered to him. He took a deep breath. " Who? Is it one of those idiots at school? Mike? Eric? Tyler?" Here we go..."Actually. His name is Sam...he lives on the reservation. But Dad, he's a -" "He's a wolf!?" He cut me off. His face turned red scaring me. " I forbid you from seeing him!? From even stepping foot on that land!?" I frowned " You can't do that!?'' He smirked " Wanna bet?" He got in my face. " I'll have you packed and shipped half way across the world before you can say bye." I felt tears in my eyes. " I- Im not breaking up with him! I'm his imprint and he's the love of my life!" He snatched my keys from my hand. " Go to your room! NOW!?" Bella frowned "Edward-" "Stay out of this Bella. She's my daughter!" I frowned. I've never seen him snap at her before. "You can't keep me forever, I'll be 18 in two weeks and then I'm gone!" I growled. He grinned " Your my daughter. Nobody's else's. You even try to leave this house and I'll send that bastard to prison!" I walked to the house. " I hate you!?" I screamed slamming the door. I marched up the stairs crying. God, why was there so many stairs?! I went in my room and slammed it shut locking it.

I sighed... I sat up wiping my tears. I looked at my messages. I had one from dad and three from Sam.

Break up with him now. This will be the only time I ask you. If you refuse, I will have him arrested and make sure you won't ever see him again. I'm sorry, but understand this is for your own good.

I wiped my tears. How was this right? He was making me end things with Sam!

Wolf boy 😍❤️
Hey, princess. The girls said you left? I just want you to know... I'm not mad at you. I could never be. I love you. I was just hurt I guess being kept. A secret but I see from your view, and I'm okay with it. Just hurry back to me. I miss you.

Wolf boy😍❤️
Hey, your missing pizza night? Are you coming back?

Wolf boy😍❤️
Hey Liz, your worrying me?

I pressed call....and walked out onto my balcony.


This was gonna be the hardest thing I've ever done...


But, I had to do it to protect him...


Sam-"Hey, I was wondering when you would call-"

Liz- "It's over Sam. Im.... Breaking up with you..."

Sam- " I'm sorry, did I upset you in anyway?"

Liz- " No, it's not you... It's me... I, um, I just don't think we're a good match... "

Sam- " Liz, what are you saying?! What happened this morning? You said you loved me! Now your saying you don't? I don't buy it "

I was going to have to be harder on him. Please forgive me Sam.

Liz- "I was just saying that so you would leave me alone. God, how dumb can a wolf be? Do you think I would really love you? I was only interested in you cause I'm your wolf gene. I just wanted to piss my dad off so he left Bella and spent more time with me and it worked."

Sam- " I- Liz, I don't believe you.... "

Liz- " Believe what you want. It's over. Don't call me again... "

I hung up and the tears poured. I held myself falling to my knees." It will be okay... You'll see." I saw my father sitting on the rail. I frowned. "For me, it won't ever be. You did this to me... You made me say goodbye to the best thing that's ever happened to me. I hope your happy now.... Cause I will NEVER forgive you for this... NEVER! " I stood up and went to my room locking the balcony door. I shut my blinds and laid in bed hugging my pillow close crying myself to sleep....

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