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I was in my room packing a bag for the night making sure to include my swimsuit. I checked the time and then ran down the stairs. I was going to be late! Dad sat at the table with Bella. I kissed his cheek. "See you tomorrow!" I called. "Be safe and have fun at Jessica's!'' I nodded heading to my brand new car. That's right! I finally got a car of my own! And now I was off to see my boyfriend. I turned on the music. "Animal sightings near forks..." i turned it to a new station.

So let me fill you in on what happened in the last four months. Bella and my Dad have made it official that she was a permanent person in our lives. We were stuck with her forever now. I got a new car since dad couldn't always take me places and I was okay with it...Because I had a hot boyfriend who I couldn't leave for more that five seconds. And then there was Bella. We were friends if you called it that but we barely hung out. She was always with my dad and I was always with Sam or as my cover up goes, I was with Jessica working on school stuff. After that night at prom we talked in secret over the next few weeks and then it just sorted turned into a romance and he asked me out two months ago! He was leader of the wolf pack and not to mention he was older than me which made it hotter and due to his wolf genes it also made it forbidden..... He just turned 20 last month. I was still 17 but my birthday was in two weeks.  Since me and Sam started to date I had to be on eggshells around my family. They couldn't know. As I pulled up to the drive way Sam stood on the porch as always waiting for me. I grinned getting out the car. I ran to him jumping into his arms. "I missed you." I whispered kissing him. He chuckled "Its only been a few hours?" i chuckled. "So? " I pouted. "Don't you love me?" he growled hugging me closer "More than life it's self." We kissed again. "You are so whipped Sam." We looked inside to see Paul. Paul was what the girls call a dick and player. But when he ran into Jacob's sister Rachel he imprinted on her. They've been together for a month. I laughed and walked it shoving Paul. "Please, your more whipped then Sam. If Rachel called you to come over right now you would be out her quicker than the flash of lighting." We all chuckled at him. He grinned "Please, if anything-" His phone rang. He picked it quick with a smile. "Hi baby? Right now? Sure? Love you more Angel?" he hung up with a smile. "I rest my case." I smiled. He flipped me off walking out to his car. It was just me and Sam. I stood by the kitchen looking at something to eat. Then I was lifted off the floor. I giggled wrapping my arms around Sam's next as he carried me to the sofa. "Sam, put me down!" he chuckled dropping me on the sofa. He jumped on me tickling me. I laughed trying to push him away. "Stop! Please!" I yelled laughing. He grinned stopping. 

He stared at me before kissing me softly moving to my neck. I let out a small moan as he moved lower. "Sam-" I sighed as he kissed the other side of my neck. "We cant- we can't do this...." He sighed stopping. "Why?" he frowned laying his head on my stomach. "Because I'm still 17. It's kinda against the law" He sat up moving away from me. "Are you mad at me?" i frowned "No, of course not. It just...I'm a little.." he blushed grabbing a pillow to cover his hard on. I blushed. I've never even seen one before...Is it wrong that I wan't to give him a....My face feels so hot. I have such a innocent mined why am I'm think abut this?! I take the rubber-band off my wrist and put my hair up in a pony tail. Sam looks at me. Not a time to chicken out Liz. I move the pillow and sit on his lap. God, I could feel it underneath his shorts. I touched his face softly kissing him. He kissed me back. I moved to his neck as he did to mine leaving marks that I would need to hide. I gathered up my confidence and got on my knees. "Liz-" he whispered but i shushed him. I unbuttoned his shorts and pulled them down. 

I was upstairs brushing my teeth. I just gave my first blow job ever and it was good. I hope? God, what if I was bad at it? I put my toothbrush away and went downstairs were Sam sat on the sofa. I was still trying to wrap my head around what i just did! I sat on the sofa my face hot. Arms wrapped around me. "Don't be shy my little minx." I blushed pushing him away "Shut up." I stood up going to the kitchen. "I was joking! Come back!" He called. I ignored him looking for something to eat. I then got a fun idea. I took out my phone. I saw I had missed calls from Dad? Holy shot there was 98 missed calls and 38 messages! My phone was on silent. I walked out "Sam can you invite the boys and there girls over why I do something?" I pressed on messages "Sure babe!" I sat on the porch swing. 

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