Baseball ⚾

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It was Saturday meaning baseball! I was already dressed!

It was Saturday meaning baseball! I was already dressed!

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I walked to the field with a smile. Rose looked at me and then away. We haven't talked for the past two days. I wasn't mad just...hurt by her words. "Five dollars says I'm going to beat everyone!" Emmett grinned. I laughed and shoved him. "Ya right." Then the jeep pulls up. I smile and wave at Bella who waves back. She walks up to me. "You can be a empire with me." I tell her."We need a good one." Grandma grins at us. "She thinks we cheat.." Emmett walks by. "Oh I know you cheat." She grins at him. "Call them as you see them." I tell her. Thunder rumbles and Alice smiles. "Its time"

Game Montage!

Bella and Elizabeth stays with Esme who is the catcher. Alice pitches with lighting fast speed. Edward and Emmett take positions in the outfields.

Rose hits the ball with her steel bat making a thunder noise and then a real one behind it.

"Now I see why you need the thunder." Bella smiles at us. The ball rockets through the woods. Edward disappears into the woods.

"That has to be a home run." Bella says. "Dad is very fast." Elizabeth says with a grin.  Rose darts around the bases making her look like a blur. Edward comes out the woods and throws the ball to Esme. Esme catches it a second before Rose hits the home base. "Yer out." Bella says. 

Esme nods and Rose glares at Bella. "Come on bae! Its just a game!" Emmett yells to her with a grin.

Dr. Cullen hits a straight line. Edward and Emmett go for the ball at the same time crashing heads making Carlisle safe. Elizabeth laughs at them while Bella just stares.

Jasper is up next. He hits the ball deep into the woods before Edward can go after it Alice gasps.....

Elizabeth pov
Alice gasped and spun around to the woods. "Stop!" She yelled. Jasper is by her side in a flash. "I didn't see them..." Everyone stops. I look at Bella and then Dad confused. They all hustle to me and Bella. "There traveling fast..." Alice says. Dad grips me tight. "Dad? " I look at him and see him I'm a panic. "You said they left the country!" Rose hissed. "They did,but then they heard us." She looks at dad. "And changed their minds." Dad frowned. And grab my hand and Bella's pulling us to the car. "Its too late! There coming." Alice yells. He stops in his tracks and looks at us. "Put your hair down both of you." I frown. Shouldn't we hide our hair? To hide our smell? "No, if you both do that it will look suspicious like were trying to hide something." Dad says. As we rearrange our hair Rose walks by. "Like that'll help. I can smell them from across the field." We glare at her. "I shouldn't have brought you here. I'm sorry." He tells Bella. "I should have left you home..I'm also sorry." He kisses my head. As we turn we see three vampires appear from the woods. One holding the ball. As I look I notice there ruby red eyes....They kill humans.

Dad grips my hand tighter

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Dad grips my hand tighter. "I believe this belongs to you." The guy with dreads looks at us all and smiles. He throws the ball to Grandpa who smiles nicely at him. "Thank you." He says back. My eyes make contact with other guy. His eyes stare into my soul giving me a scare but I know not to show my fear so I just stare back with a intense stare. "Could you use three more players?" asked the guy with dreads. "Of course." Grandpa smiled. "A few of us were leaving anyways." "I am Laurent, this is James and Victoria." James is still staring at me. "Stop looking at him" my dad whispers to me. I look away and focus on the other guy. I realized I just missed them talking. "Come on." Dad says as well walk back to the jeep. I walk to Bella and that's when a gust of wind comes in blowing a breeze right to James. I look at him in terror as he takes a deep inhale. "You brought snacks!" James grins and goes to run when our entire family hisses at him protecting us. I grab Bella's hand and squeeze it. "The girls are with us. I think you should leave now" Grandpa says still in attack mode. "I see that the game is over...We will leave now." He backs down but the other two don't. "James!" Laurent calls him. James backs away from us. He looks at me and then smiles. The girl Victoria clings to his side. He walks away with her giving her a kiss before clearing out.

Dad takes us to the car quickly. He tries to buckle up Bella. "I'm okay, I can do it!" She yells in a panic. He looks at me and sees me already buckled. He starts the jeep and clears out fast. "What's happening?" I asked scared. "James is a tracker. I saw his mind. The hunt is his obsession and our reaction just made this a game for him." I frown. Our? Dad looks at me with the mirror."Yes, he was into you for not showing any fear. He was thinking..." He cut off with anger. "The first place he'll go is your house. He'll trace your scent there first." Bella panics "What?! Charlie there's! He could get hurt because of us." She says "Then well lead him away somehow.." I tell her. Dad makes a phone call.

We arrive at Bella's and there is Jasper. "Go with Jasper. Bella and me will meet you at home." We get out the car and I hug him tight. I'm scared..."Don't be. I won't let anything happen to you." He kiss my head before letting me go. I love you father. He grins. "I love you to Lizzy." As they go do there thing I get in the car with Jasper.

As we drive I feel my fear go away and be replaced with a wave of calm. I smile at Jasper. "Thank you." I tell him. He nods as well continue to drive. "Do you think he loves her?" I ask. "I do." He replies. "Do you like her?" He asks me. I sigh and play with the bracelet around my wrist. "At first, I think I was just jealous of her. I felt like she was stealing my dad from me." Jasper grins "You know you dad loves you to death." I nod "I know,But its how I felt. And then I talked with her....and I grew to like her. She makes him happy." As we pulled into the driveway I saw a blur go into the house. I walked in with Jasper. "Your father wants you to pack a bag. Were leaving tonight to somewhere safe." I nod at Jasper and head to my room to pack while he watches. "Do you have to watch me?" I ask him. "Your dad said not to leave you alone for a second." I sigh and grab a bag stuffing stuff into it.

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