Balls and Wives

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Over the next few months my life was on edge. One minute I was treated like the love of his life and then the next second I was treated like i was on the bottom of his shoe. I learned through  time the best thing was to listen to him and just obey. And then there was his Wife Athenodora. She hated me with everything in her body. She was actually very pretty with her white hair and slim body. I tried to stay away from her but when we did run into each other it wasn't fun. 

2nd  week here

I walked down the hallway with Jane. She was to guard me today. "Mistress, are you tried yet?" I frowned at her words. Mistress. I hated being called that no matter what. "Yes Jane, and please, call me Lizzy"She nodded as we made our way back to my room. Caius should be there since he said he would visit. I had to share time with his wife where he was with her one day and the next me and you get how the pattern goes. I didn't even know he had a wife until Jane told me the second day I was here. But, I've heard she doesn't like me and wants me gone. Same sister. I wanted to be back home with my family...she could keep him! I sighed....lately Caius had been seeing my more..I wonder if him and his wife had a fight? I saw a group come down the hall. I had to ignore them and just walk pass. I didn't want to draw attention to me or start up a conversation. As they walked pass i did nothing while Jane bowed. I frowned confused. "Excuse me girl! Are you blind?" I looked at a angry women. I'm sorry who are you?" I asked upset. She was so rude to me for what? "That is Queen Athenodora, Master Caius wife" Jane whispered to me.  "I apologize, I didn't know who you were."She was really pretty. Her hair white as snow and ruby red eyes. "And who is she? The new intern who wants to become one of us?" She smiled flashing her fangs. Jane stepped forward "No you highness, She is Master Caius mistress."   Athenodora eyes went wide. She looked at me with pure hate. "This is the human girl who has put a spell on my husband?" She circled me. "Shes not much. Your pretty, I'll give you that. But your to skinny and your hair is greasy. Humans are just so gross and...fragile" She smirked at the last part. I felt my life in danger and knew I had to go before she harmed me or worse. "I am feeling tried, I must head to my room but it was a pleasure meeting you" I smiled at her turning to leave. "Of course, but first-" She gripped my hair yanking me to my knees making me look at her. I tried to pry her hands off me but she was rock solid!"Bow before your queen you little whore." Tears filled my eyes. "Let go!" I demanded clawing at her hands. "Your highness, that is not smart to do-" She looked at Jane "Silent!" She growled making Jane step back. Everyone watched as she treated me this way to scared to speak to her. "You take your anger out on me. Why? It is your husband who has wronged you! Not me!" She shrugged "Because if I break his toy no harm is to come to me. I am his Queen. His mate. You are replaceable. " She let go of my hair and kicked me in my side sending me into the wall. Her laughter rang through the halls. It was wicked and cruel. I curled into a ball pain in my side. "Bow to me peasant!" She kicked me again harder. I heard a bone break this time. I spit out blood. She smiled lifting my head. "You are nothing but a toy. Keep that in mind." She dropped my head. I held my side looking up at her. "Your just a bitter old bitch! Mad that he comes to me more than you." She stomped over to me raising her hand to hit me "You bitc-""Athenodora!" A loud voice cut her off. It was Caius! He was to my side in a instant. "Are you okay? Where are you hurt?" He frowned touching my face. "My side, I think I have a broken rib." i gasped at the pain. He looked at Jane. "Have a doctor tend to her as soon as possible! I'll take her to her room" Jane nodded ''Yes Master." She left. He turned to Athenodora. "What is your reason behind this madness?" He frowned at her" My love, she disrespected me. It was only right to punish her." She smiled at him. "How did she do that?" he asked her. "She ignored me when i walked by! Rules are, you bow when royals walk by or you are punished!" Caius stepped towards her pure anger in his eyes scaring me. "You almost killed her for not bowing? Are you Mad? Your a Queen Athenodora, nothing more than that. If i wanted to I would take the crown and give it to her!" He went up to her slapping her. She fell to the floor and looked at him in shock " hit me..." She whispered. He went to me picking me up. "She is just a human! What does she have that I don't!?" she yelled her voice cracking. "You will receive 10 lashes. One for each minute she had to take your torture." he said walking away ignoring her question. I watched as her face went from anger to pure sadness. I felt bad for her. She lost her husband to a human and he treated her like nothing.

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