Athenodora part 2 (Elena⬆)

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We started to meet in secret for the next few months and then it happened. I was murdered.

It had been almost a year of us meeting, Caius and I had gotten closer. I had barely even paid attention to Elena or Eric, big mistake on my part.

I remember it was early in the morning. It was my night with Eric. 

Lately every night Eric had been sleeping with me since the baby had been born. It seemed Elena wasn't such a good lover or beauty after the baby. It was all that he had talked about, even when we had sex, he would compare us. It started to get on my nerves.

"Your skin feels so soft. Elena's has become so rough lately" He purred in my ear kissing my neck. Was that supposed to be sexy?  I looked away from him trying to block out his voice. " Your so much prettier than her..." I can't take this.... "Eric, can you please stop." I whispered to him. He stopped kissing me looking at me confused. "Stop what?" 

"Stop comparing me to Elena! I'm supposed to be the only one you think of when we do this, not her, if you miss Elena so badly then go lay with her." I ripped the covers from him wrapping myself up and walking away to my closet. "I'm sorry" Was all he could say to me. It was that moment I knew i wasn't in love with him anymore.

That night I packed my bags, I was going to leave and be with Caius if he would take me. He usually saw me at midnight. I had an hour until he arrived.  And then I heard a small knock on the door. He must be here early.

"Come in!" I shouted closing my suitcase. When I turned around, I was stabbed in the stomach. And then again and again. When I looked into my killer's eyes, I saw Elena. "Elena?" I frowned falling to the floor. I held my stomach trying to stop the bleeding. "Surprised?" she smiled at me. She looked around the room touching my things. "Leaving, are we? Let me guess, with Eric?"  I frowned. This bitch was crazy! "Are you crazy? Why would I leave with Eric anywhere?" I whispered. 

I started to taste blood now. " Don't lie to me Athena! He came to me today and told me he was divorcing me! That he wanted nothing to do with me or our child!"  Tears fell down her eyes now. You could see in her eye's heartbreak and anger. "And that's not all, he told me it was a mistake! Getting me pregnant and marrying me.... That he should have stayed with you, how he just wanted a child, but you couldn't give him one. And if that wasn't enough, he even told me how our son looked nothing like him. How he would look so handsome if he was yours and his child."  She looked at me and then smiled. " At least he won't be able to leave me now." She chuckled and sat on my bed. "I killed him first and made sure he knew, you were next." She laughed twirling the knife in her hand. "He begged me and promised me all his riches to leave you alone. You should have seen it."

"And then I slit his throat. Just like I'm going to do to you." She stood up and walked over to me. I panicked and started to move away from her crawling.  "Please Elena, think about your child, if you get caught, he'll be an Orphean." 

She smiled at me getting closer. "I doubt it." She brought the knife to my face. I tried to fight back but was too weak. I guess watching me struggle made her happy she had the hugest smile I had ever seen... She backed away and went to my desk grabbing something. She then went to the door and placed it on the floor. "Here, I placed a bell on the floor. There is help outside this door, I will tell him you are ill and if you ring this bell to come in and help you. " She left out the room leaving me alone in the darkness.  In fear of the unknown....

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