Life and Death

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(Hope you guys like it, a long awaited chapter)

Cauis pov

"No,no,no, wake up Lizzy!" I lifted her up touching her cheek. I felt a fear I've never felt before. I growled as I looked at her still face. Her breathing was slowing down. If I was correct she had 48 hours before she would..... "Guards!" I yelled. Alec and Jane were the first to rush in. "I want Carlisle here now! As fast as you can! Book a damn jet if you have to! And I want that guard found and tortured until we find out who was behind this and then his head slowly removed!" They bowed leaving. "Yes Master."

I smoothed back her hair laying her down gently. Her face was getting pale. I needed to find the antidote and fast. "Alec!Jane!" I called. They rushed in. "Master?" I stood looking at them both. "Jane, you are to stay here and guard her with your life. No one in or out but me and Alec. Not even my brothers. Not until I know who is behind this. " Jane nodded going to her side. "And you Alec, I want you to find the person behind this. You two were her favorite guards and we're always with her. I trust you both just as much as she did. Don't let her down." Alec bowed "I wont let her down master." He left in a flash. I took one  last look at Liz before heading to see my brothers. They had to know something. Everything ordered goes through those two.

I pushed open the doors and saw them reading books. Aro gave me a smile. "Dear brother, has is Elizabeth?" I held back a growl. "Poisoned. Ill. Unwell. Want me to name more?" I went up to my throne and sat down. "She will be okay Cauis." Marcus smiled as he always did. "What I want to know, is who ordered the poison? Since you two are the ones who manage orders through the kingdom." Aro went to the shelves and pulled out a scroll. He handed it to me. "These are all the orders in the past month. Over a thousand orders so go ahead and look it over." I rolled my eyes and began on the first row.

By the 379 one i was staring to get angry. Why is there so many orders of gowns? The girls have enough already. I have read 200 ballgowns to both Queens. I kept reading  it. "Master!" the doors opened and I saw Alec. "Carlisle is here!" I put the scroll on my chair as he walks in. Behind him is Edward. I should've known he would come. "Of course I would she's mine. Where is my daughter?" he growled low. I held back my temper and stood. "Follow me." I walked passed them to our room. I opened the door and they went in.

She laid in the same spot peaceful."What happened to her?" Carlisle asked going to her side. "She was poisoned. " "By who." Edward asked glaring at me. "It is unknown right now." Carlisle checked her pulse. "It's slow but there. What was she poisoned with?" "Juniper and Paraquat Dichloride. It was covered by Duran tea so she couldn't smell it. I was tricked to the throne room so I couldn't stop her." I looked at Edward knowing he'd have questions. "Of course, I left her in your care and now shes on her death bed." I bite my lip holding in my temper. "Why would they give her Juniper? Its for Vampires?" He asked next. I looked at Liz. I know you want to tell him but I have to my angel. "Tell me what?" he growled standing closer to me.

Jane stepped between us. "Jane, its fine."She took a step back. "She's with child-" before i could finished he had me pined against the wall. I put a hand to stop Jane from hurting him. If Liz found out she would be angry. "Impossible." he growled low. "Edward. Stop." Carlisle frowned at him. Edward held me there before dropping me. He pulled her blanket away and saw her huge belly. "I've never heard of such a thing....A human and vampire baby..." He touched along her stomach. He stood up and sighed."Bad news, there is no cure to either poison. Maybe I can find another way but for now I need her charts and to see what I can do." I felt my insides twist. No cure? "I will have our doctor catch you up." I left quickly not waiting to be there anymore. I shut the door and walked down the hallway. That's when I was almost ran over by guards bringing dresses to the rooms. "Good god! Watch were your going!" As i yelled they crashed into each other dropping dresses. As they fell I heard a clink noise. A bottle dropped out one of the dresses along with a few berry's. Juniper Berrys. "Where are these going?" I looked at the two guards. "Lady Athenodora chambers.''

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