Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine - Crystal Undead

Saturday, 21st March 2020


I've been waiting for this weekend for so long. One month banned from coming here was torture.

Getting ready in my room, I wore a black loose tee tucked into a pair of black ripped jeans and a black leather jacket. I paired everything with my combat boots, tucked a pistol and a knife in my shoulder holster, and took a small black jewelry box before walking down to the foyer.

Yes, this is what I wear whenever we go there.

I walked out of the house with Kris and KT and got in the SUV. When we started moving, I gave KT the box and he clasps the black choker with an AK-47 pendant, one of my personal favorites.

We picked Sam up halfway and soon reached the base. We got out of the car and Kris reached for my hand. We walked through the door and was met with a simple-looking house. We continued on to the back of the house and through the hidden door that led to the main point this house was built for.

Kris opened the door and we were met with many people either drinking, smoking, or making out. There were strippers all around the place.

God, I missed this. Not the hookers, ya nasty.

A pair of arms suddenly went around my waist and picked me up. The person spun me and gently placed me down, "The princess is back, finally."

Mark Sanders, Kris, and KT's right-hand man.

I know, it took nine chapters to reveal that we're in a gang, or more accurately, one of the biggest and most feared gangs in the world. Those little clues were leading it up to this point.

We're technically a mixture between a mafia and a drug cartel. We do mafia jobs and manage cartel products.

As you've probably guessed, Kris and KT are the leaders, and I, being their sister, is the princess, or more so, queen of this gang.

Remember how I said when Kris gets angry, the aftermath is not fun to clean up? I mean he shoots the person that irritates him in the slightest when he's mad. I've had to clean up a few of his actions and I can confirm, it's not fun.

And how about the conversation in class where I told Sam that Zach knew nothing. Yeah, I meant the fact that we're in this gang.

Or the time when I said my ex heard something he shouldn't? He heard Kris, KT and I having a conversation about the drug and ammunition stock that was stolen and we had to make him lose his memory.

But we didn't kill him if you were thinking about that.

How about that time when I said Zach will get hurt if he gets involved in my shit? Yeah, no one outside of the gang knows about us and lives to tell the tale.

When I said that Sam's taken down people bulkier than him? That was true. He has been training ever since he was skipping school with me. He may look slim, but that dude could kill you if he wanted, with his bare hands.

Or the time KT said that Kris was at a warehouse checking stock? He was checking the handgun ammunition that came in that day.

Or when I said I was banned from coming here because I did a mistake? A female gang member threatened to kill me for the leadership but she was slow, and I got the gun first.

And the black SUV that has been driving us around. We love to scare innocent people around with a car frequently used in kidnapping stories.

There's a funny thing we do whenever a new person joins us. We would welcome them with a little insult. I live for the insults from Kris.

Lastly, how about the incident with my parents? Well, I don't know the full story, but it involves a bastard traitor. He thought he could kill his way into the leader position, so killed off our parents when he had a chance. He was two feet away from the front door when a bullet shot through his head, with Kris holding the gun and KT consoling me.

I was six at the time and Kris and KT were only seven years older, so they had to grow up really quick to take care of me. The gang that was once my parents' was handed down to the twins, but since they were still a little too young, dad's right-hand man Joseph took the leadership first, until Kris was 16 and demanded the position. They protected me from a lot of shit, but that still didn't stop me from turning out like this.

My first kill was a gang member that taunted me. His pistol was hanging carelessly in his holster and I used it on him.

I was ten.

Sam took his first kill when he was fourteen. A female gang member was talking shit and he killed her with a knife straight to the side of her head.

Now you know my backstory. Let's just say, my childhood was fucked up.

So who guessed it? Thank you for choosing to read AYR.

See you!


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