Chapter Six

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Chapter Six - Douchewaffle

Monday, 16th March 2020


I was waiting by my locker for Sam. He went to the bathroom for a bit because he ate a spicy burrito before coming to school, which was such a bad idea. I scrolled through my phone when a shadow covered me. I looked up to see Mr. Brunet again, but his boys weren't there.

"Whatcha doing?"

I put my phone back in my pocket, "Nothing interesting."

He tilted his head and backed up before stretching his hand out for a handshake, "Zachary Kingston."

I raised an eyebrow and shook his hand, not wanting to leave him awkwardly. We pulled our hands away and he asked, "How old?"

"20, a sophomore. You?"

"22, senior."

I tilted my head and gave him a fake smile, "And what do I owe the pleasure of you chatting up the new girl?"

"Dunno, just wanted to get to know you. You seem interesting," he said while putting his hands in his jean pockets. I laughed a bit, "If you wanted a quick fuck, pick someone else who's gonna actually spread their legs."

"What? Are you a virgin?" he had a smirk on his face that I so badly wanted to wipe off with a 500 revolver that I sadly don't have on me right now. I smirked back, "Would it affect your life if I said 'no'?"

He leaned closer, "You don't look like the type to lose their virginity before getting married."

"Well, you don't know me. So it's better if you scoot on out of here," I said with a slight trace of venom. I hate when guys do that. He chuckled and pulled out his phone, "How about giving me your number?"

"Bold, are we?"

"You said I don't know you, so I'm getting your number to get to know you," he said in a matter-of-fact tone. I rolled my eyes and took his phone from him to put my number in. I handed it back, "Just so you know, I won't reply straight away."

He laughed, "Oh, I know." He was suddenly pushed away by someone but didn't fall on the ground, just lost his balance for a quick second.

Fast reflex for a douchewaffle.

Sam stood in front of me with a frown on his face. I pushed the corner of his lips, "Why the long face?"

He shook his head and grabbed my good wrist, "Nothing, come on."

He led me to the classroom, but I caught a glimpse of Zachary's confused face with girls asking how he is and giggled. We walked into Personality Psych and took the farthest corner. I sat on the chair while Sam sat on the table.

"Who was that?"

I shrugged, "Zachary Kingston, just a guy."

"He seems sketchy," he said while taking my book and looking through it. I rolled my eyes, "He knows nothing, we're gonna be fine."

He stared straight into my eyes, "How'd you know?"

"He doesn't tremble when he talks to me. His posture says that he doesn't know about our existence. If he did, he'd be running for his fucking life."

He raised an eyebrow and smirked, "Little psycho." I rolled my eyes, "That's why we major in Psychology."

The professor walked in and Sam kissed my forehead before walking out. I prepared to focus on class when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I fished it out and looked at the text.

Hey, it's Zachary.

I looked at the professor and saw his back turned. I looked back down and replied.

Zachary Kingston

What do you want?

What class are you in right now?

Does it have any significance in your life?

Yes it does.

If you really want to know, it's persona psych.

A psych major, impressive.


I need to focus on class so do me a favor and shuddup.

How I wish you could see me perform the eyeroll of the decade.

I rolled my eyes myself before stuffing my phone back in my pocket so I could focus on the class without thinking about that fucking brunet.


After finishing class, I wanna sleep. I walked out of the class to see Sam pinning a girl at the lockers and making out. I shook my head and smirked. I was about to leave for my locker when a hand grabbed my hand this time, not my wrist. I turned around to be met with a pair of brown eyes, "What're you doing here?"

"Thought you needed some company. Your friend there seems...occupied," he pointed to my partner in crime and I rolled my eyes, "What about your friends?"

"They'll be fine without me."

I yanked my hand out of his grip and turned around to continue walking. He fell in step with me and we walked in silence. I felt glares at me but just dismissed it. I got to my locker, stuffed my things in, and closed the locker. I had a two-hour gap, what should I do?

"When's your next class?" he asked while crossing his arms across his broad chest. I took out my phone, "In two hours."

He then leaned in so there were a few inches of distance, "Enough time for some food at the mall. My treat, new friend."

I shook my head and smirked. We started walking towards the front door while I texted Sam quickly.


I'm going out, be back in two hours.

I didn't need him snitching on me to Kris and KT.

"And we're just acquaintances, brunet," I said while staring straight ahead. He just chuckled, "You'll be my friend, just wait."

Insert another eye roll.

Should I create an Instagram for my stories? Comment what you think. Thank you for choosing to read AYR.

See you!


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