Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten - Lorraine

Saturday, 21st March 2020


I sat at a booth with Kris, KT, Sam, Mark, and a few other people. We were drinking a tiny bit before a meeting. After each of us finished a bottle, Kris spoke, "C'mon, let's go."

We got out and went to the sound-proof meeting room. All the higher ranking members were sitting at the table. Kris stood in front, KT on his left, me on his right.

We were talking about the customers for the drugs when someone walked through the door.

Tracey Smith.

Kris' on-and-off girlfriend, stripper, and a total bitch. If you thought I was one, this one's a whole lot worse.

"Hey, Kris-Kris!" she said in her high-pitched voice. Her six-inch stilettos clicking against the marble floor as she went to Kris to give him a kiss. I looked away to avoid having to bleach my eyes. I can stand PDA, but not when one of them is my family.

"I missed you so much, Kris-Kris," she slung her arms around his neck while pressing her body against him. He tried to pry off her grip gently, "Trace, I'm working."

"I'm sure you have time for me. Kristian can take over," she winked at both of them. That reminds me...

She can't tell the difference between them. One time, she thought she was forcefully kissing Kris, but it was actually poor KT. I had to poke her side with a tiny dagger to save him.

Kris yanked her arms away from his neck, "Not now, Trace." She stumbled back a bit and I let out a tiny laugh, earning me a glare from her. She walked away to sit at the corner of the table and Kris continued.

I kept my ears open and my eyes glued to the files of customers. Usually, I don't need to meet them, but since I had nothing planned tomorrow, Kris assigned me to go meet-

"Kris-Kris, can we be done?" Tracey shouted from her spot and I could feel Kris' anger build up little by little. He gave me a 'fucking save me' look and I smirked, "Hey braless, if you don't want to be a part of this meeting, then, by all means, get the fuck out," I ended the sentence glaring at her. She stood up and complained, "Kris-Kris, look what she's doing!"

He rolled his eyes and looked at me, begging for me to do something. I smirked again while walking to him to whisper in his ear, "Get the medic." And before he could comprehend, I pulled out the pistol from my holster and shot her thigh.

No more stripping for you.

She let out a high-pitched scream which I'm sure would've destroyed all our eardrums. Kris gave one look at KT, and KT went to call the medic in.

"You bitch! You shot my leg!" she screamed and thrashed. I aimed the gun at her shoulder, "One more word, and the next bullet goes through your shoulder."

"Crazy bit-"

I fired and she let out a piercing scream. I pointed the weapon right in between her eyes, "Another word and it goes through your head."

She kept quiet and held onto her bullet wounds until the medic came in. He brought her out with his helpers and Kris turned to face me with a smirk, "Did you really need to shoot her twice?"

I shrugged, "I'm true to my word. I warned her and if she doesn't comply, I pull the trigger."

He shook his head and ruffled my hair, "You are a true psycho, kitty."

I smirked and the meeting continued.


The meeting adjourned and the twins, Sam, Mark, and I were still arranging the time and place we're meeting the customers when the maid, Lorraine, came in. She's a sweet old lady that puts up with us as we're her only 'family' left. She's basically the mother of us.

"You called me, Kristopher?" she asked and he pointed to Tracey's blood on the floor. She let out a tsk before going to grab a mop and bucket. We continued to talk when she came back in and sighed, "Whose doing was this?"

The four traitors pointed at me and I mumbled under my breath, "Sold me out." Lorraine sighed again before cleaning up the blood, "Be careful next time. Put a tarp."

I smiled sheepishly, "Sorry, Lorraine. Won't do it again."

Everyone in the room knew that I was lying.


We still had time before the day ended so Sam and I went to meet one or two customers. On the ride there, Sam and I were talking when I received a text. I pulled out my phone to see Zach's message.

Zachary Kingston

Hey, what are you doing?


Just wondering.


Are you that nerdy?

It's not being nerdy, it's being a good student.


I gotta go now.

Talk to you later.

I didn't wait for a reply and stuffed my phone back as we've already reached the destination. Sam and I made sure that our gun was tucked nicely in shoulder holsters with the jacket covering, and I went an extra mile for customers and had daggers literally up my sleeve.

Let's just hope we won't have to use them because cleaning the weapons and our clothes takes time.

Thank you for choosing to read AYR.

See you!


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