Chapter Thirty-Four

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A/N: And I oop-

Chapter Thirty-Four - Tombstones

Friday, 10th April 2020


Getting out of the car, my brothers, Sam, and I entered the house and made our way to the backyard. We stepped onto the grass and our eyes landed on the tombstones that sat close to the solid white fence.

Rest in Peace
James Mason Estrada
9th June 1970 – 10th April 2006
Crystal Undead

Rest in Peace
Rebecca Polly Reed-Estrada
18th December 1971 – 10th April 2006
Crystal Undead

I slowly walked to the corner where wildflowers were growing all over. I picked out some wild lilies and poppies and held them in my hands as I walked back to the group.

My brothers stood on either side of me and Sam stood beside KT. I laid the lilies on dad's grave and placed the poppies on mom's. I stood back up and cast my gaze at their tombs.

Kris gingerly placed his hand on the small of my back, comforting me. All four of us mourned in our own minds as we stared at the tombstones for a while.

Kris softly kissed the crown of my head and I heard him mumble quietly into my hair, "They're in your heart. Your tattoo confirms it."

I nodded slightly and he moved his hand away before speaking, "We should head down now. They're waiting for us."

I heard the faint agreements from KT and Sam as they turned around to leave for downstairs but I lingered for a little while longer. Kris was standing behind me patiently as I walked towards their tombstones.

"I miss you and I love you," I said, placing a kiss on the top of both stones before stepping a few steps back. Kris wrapped an arm around my waist before whispering, "I'm here."

I nodded and mumbled softly, "I know."

He led me down to the basement and I forgot how it looked on this day every year.

All the booths and stripping poles were gone, the bars were covered in large cloths, the floor and walls were clean, all of the disco balls and word lights mounted on walls were all gone.

The whole space had been turned from a club to an empty space with a lot of our people standing there in black.

A lot of them didn't encounter with our parents as they came in after the incident, but a lot of them had them as leaders too. Everyone was equally sad on this day.

The day the Crystal Undead lost their First Lord and Lady.


We stepped into the house and it was almost dinner time. Kris hung up his coat before turning around and wrapping his arms around me, "I love you, Krystal. More than you know."

I hesitated a little before hugging him back and buried my head in his chest, "I love you too, Kris."

We stayed like that before he loosened his grip on me and my arms fell back to my sides. He cupped my face with one hand, "Do you wanna take a bath to relax first? Dinner can wait."

I shook my head, "No, it's alright. I don't feel like eating dinner. I'll just get a snack and head to bed."

He looked at me worryingly before nodding and kissing my forehead, "Alright. If you need anything and I mean anything at all, kitty," he paused to lift my chin up with his fingertips, "Tell me. Yell for me, text me, call me, anything. I'm here for you."

I nodded and he kissed the tip of my nose, "I love you, Krystal kitty."

"I love you too, Kristoff."

He smiled before heading up to his room. I walked through the arch and turned towards the kitchen.


"Cain, could you refill the cinnamon? The stock is in the spice pantry, it's the fourth one from the right," the head chef said and the red-haired kitchen porter nodded before collecting the small spice jars. He carried them on a tray and exited the kitchen towards the pantries but heard a light sob coming from the open kitchen.

He turned and saw his mistress sitting on an island bench with a jar of chocolate chip cookies and a cup of hot chocolate beside her. Her face was buried in the palms of her hands as soft sniffles were heard.

Without even thinking, he took long strides towards her, gently leaving the tray on the island to not startle her, and cautiously placed a hand on her shoulder.


She jumped slightly from the sudden contact and almost pulled out the knife from her holster. Her hand stopped before she could get the knife when she saw that it was him.

"Oh, ginger."

She looked back down at the cookies in front of her as she took a sip of hot chocolate. A strand of hair fell in front of her face and he tucked it behind her ear.

"How're you feeling?" he asked in a concerned tone and she shrugged, "I'm fine."

He gently stroked her hair to calm her down and she felt like crying, but couldn't. He combed her hair with his fingers while asking, "Would you like a hug? It usually helps."

She tensed up a little at the thought of physical contact but nodded slightly anyway. He stepped closer and wrapped his arms around her and she buried her face in his shoulder before sighing softly.

He rubbed her back soothingly. She very quietly mumbled against his shoulder, "I miss them so much, Cain..."

He slightly turned to look at her, a little stunned from the first time she called him by his name. He continued to rub her back and whispered, "Sir and Madam are living in your heart, miss. They're watching over you and they'll be proud of how strong their daughter turned out to be."

She nodded against his shoulder and pulled away. She looked down at her lap and he stared at her face. He wanted to see his mistress smile.

She glanced up at the tray on the island and spoke, "Cinnamon ran out?"

He nodded and she gave him a lopsided smile as she gently smacked his arm, "Go refill it, then. Arthur, the new head, may not be as crazy as Martine, but he still has a temper."

He laughed and went to take the tray, "You'll be okay?"

She smiled, "I'll be fine. Thank you, ginger."

"For what?"

"Comforting me."

He smiled back at her, "You're welcome, miss."

Thank you for choosing to read AYR.

See you!


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