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The sound of light patter of raindrops drifted through the room. The cool crisp air pushed up against the window outside.

My head felt stuffy and my ears seemed hollow.

"Mmhh" I stretched my arms and legs in awkward angles and snuggled back down. The yellow blanket tucked close to my nose as I curled back up into a ball. My thumb made its way up to my mouth and I latched onto the curve of it.

Although outside was cold under my blanket it was warm and cosy. They type of cosy where you could lay in for hours, forgetting about schooling or work.

My toes curled in my onesie with the fabric on the bottom brushing against my toes.

I was comfortable.

An hour or two passed of me drifting in and out of sleep was disturbed by the sound door opening and the room becoming fuzzy.

A shadow loomed over me from behind my eyes and I felt a pout form.

A chuckle came and I felt myself being picked up. "Come on baby boy." The forest fae said. I let out a whine.

"Dada no!" Slipped out I was embarrassed yes, but I couldn't find myself to care.

I shielded my eyes away from the lights and shivered at the slightly cooled air.

As soon as I was on his hip I dug myself into his neck trying to suck up all his warmth.

His chest rumbled as he let out a chuckle. "It's okay baby boy. Daddy will dress you warm today. How about a jumper yeah? Nice and warm" he cooed as he bounced me on his hip.

A jumper sounded nice.

Still hiding in his neck I nodded and daddy took me to the changing table. While simultaneously looking for clothes. He seemed to pause when he opened a middle draw to my dresser.

He then paused and called out to his partner in a tongue I couldn't understand, most likely faevarian, and the other male in the house replied.

Some footsteps entered another room and then came out. The door slowly opened to revile the dark fae.

I peeked out of the forest faes neck to look at him. "Good morning little one" he smiled at me, I let out a whine in distaste. It wasn't a good morning, I want to go back to bed. They both chuckled at me.

I was soon laid back on the changing table. I covered my face as my nappy was changed. I dont think I would ever get over the embarrassment.

Soon I was placed in fuzzy bottoms and socks. Papa rolled up a piece of wool and pushed it over my head. He then pushed my arms through two holes on either side much like a top. Ohhh... A jumper is a sweatshirt.

The jumper was far too big for me meaning the selves were hanging over my hands and the bottom just past my thighs. It smelled like dada.

Slowly I felt myself fuzz up. My head became heavy and my ears slightly muffled as if someone had stuffed cotton wool down them and my eyes became glossy. I felt safe.

I felt my eyes lazily focus on two figures above me, both smiling widely.

I looked at the man with darker features and let out a giggle. "Papa!" I squealed and made grabby hands towards him.

His smile widened as he picked me up and placed me on his hip.

Nyx (dark fae)

I picked up Jayland and placed him on my hip. He smiled at me with bright glossy eyes and a dazed look.

I grinned back. He had fallen into the headspace.
"Who knew that it only took a jumper" I wonder out loud in faevarian.

"I think he was slipping before. He called me 'Dada' today!" My husband replied placing a kiss on the forehead of Jay.

"Mm, Papa!" My boy called out.
"Yes J-J? Are you hungry?" I cooed at him. He nodded his head and then ducked under my neck. I chuckled and took him to the dining room and placed him into his high chair. He made a slight fuss as I strapped him in but was soon distracted by my husband placing his wooden toys onto his tray. Then he sat happily pushing the horse and cart around.

I went to the kitchen and plated up some oatmeal in a small bowl and let it cool for a bit while I prepared some fruit which included strawberries, blackberries and shroomberries which were a bright blue and grew in the mushroom forest. They were naturally sweet and when mixed into things gave it a naturally sweet flavour.

I cut enough for three bowls and then readied two slightly larger bowls, placing the fruit randomly in the two bigger bowls I then arranged a smiley face in the smaller bowl I had left to cool.

Then I poured two cups of black coffee one with shroomberries and enough honey to cause a toothache. Then grabbing a sippy cup I filled it with ice and headed over to the cooler.

"Reka?" I called out. "Yeah?" Came the reply. "What juice does Jay want? Berry or Apple?" I asked.

There came a short pause before there was a loud "APALAPLA" I chucked. Apple it was then.

Filling the cup with juice I picked up the bowl and a spoon and carried the items to the awaiting boy.

Quickly returning to the kitchen I used the skills I had learned from working in a bar in my youth I carried the food and drinks to the table while placing the sugar enhanced coffee in front of my husband who shot me a thankful look.

"Is the bowl still hot?" He asked when he spooned Jay lands food mixing it around after exaggerating the smiley face making Jayland giggle and laugh.

It was nice to see him laugh after seeing him cry in the tavern for nights on end.

"Most likely," I replied as I took a sip of my coffee relishing in the bitter burn as it stung my throat. What can I say, I'm sweet enough.

I watched as Reka picked up a spoonful and blew on it before placing it in Jay's mouth.

Jaylands face lit up as he sucked the oatmeal off of the spoon and made happy taps on the trey with his hands.

He smiled and we both smiled back while eating our breakfast as well.

Yay sorry for the wait. I will try and update more frequently<3

Thank you for reading


Edited 1st round

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