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Jayland hated the feeling of the house as two figures stepped out of the carriage. They had with them suitcases that snapped together with harsh looking clips, they wore long pieces of fabric which going with a button around the collar and created a good hid the faces of the figures.

Jayland hated how his daddy tensed while holding him, how he shuddered out a hiccup and seemed to press himself closer to the wall as if it could provide some sort of protection.

He hated how his Papas jaw clenched tightly and how he straightened his poster, boarding his shoulders.

Finally, he hated how his heart rate picked up and the hairs stood up on the back of his neck and a feeling that swirled inside of him telling him that he needed to hide.

"Daddy... Please may I go play?" He asked just above a whisper. He received a kiss on his temple and was lowered to the ground. He held Osborne close as he walked to his nursery to hide within his imagination.

Nyx hugged his husband briefly which Reka responded to by kissing his cheek.

A melodic chime sounded through the room disturbing the quiet tense atmosphere.

Nyx felt himself take a sharp breath and his feet carried him to the front door.

He unlocked the porch door with some hesitance praying that they would disappear if he took too long. Much to his dismay the first door opened. Through the blurred patterned glass, he could make out two distorted figures.

With a final shakey breath he unlocked the front door and opened it.

"If you took any longer and we'd get the idea that you didn't want to see us Achie*"

The two figures in front of him looked no different than they did fifty or so years ago. Well, they wouldn't, seeing as faes aged a lot slower than humans do. The only difference was additions to the many tribal markings that covered their arms.

The Fae that spoke had a smirk that held something sinister behind it, almost sadistic as if they found joy in making Nyx feel uncomfortable. Which being dark Faes they did.

Nyx narrowed his eyes and looked down his nose. "Why are you here?!" He spat the demand out in his tribal tongue. The air grew harsh and even tenser.

The one who had still yet to speak shifted their cloak subtle to show the dagger that was secured in a Scabbard that was strapped around their waist. Nyx in return pulled his upper lip back to bare his teeth.

"NYX! Shut the door! You're letting the warm air out!" his husband called from the kitchen. The first visitor gave him a sarcastic smile with a tilt of his head. All Nyx wanted to do was punch his face so hard that the look would be replaced with agony, he refused to be intimidated in his own home.

Slowly he stepped aside letting the two in.

Just as the male fae became level with him he grabbed him by the collar and pulled him close.

"You lay a single finger on anyone in this house I will personally rip out your organs grind them up, shove them so far down your throat you choke and sacrifice to the lord of the blade myself, am I understood?" He buzzed out. The Fae chuckled in response and pushed past him, his thin frame and silver hair that was done in several braids that joined into one and had several metal trinkets in them that jingled as he walked past him. The second one followed closely but their tattooed dark grey eyes caught Nyx's with a look of understanding.

The smell as they entered the kitchen was wonderful, herbs and spices danced in the air as Reka went around shuffling pots and pans around, a platter of Toof bread was displayed in the middle of the table along with dragon-tree* dip. A teapot was brewing next to the bread with mugs to be filled.

The male fae walked up to Reka who had turned to greet them. The fae took his small and index finger, kissed them and placed them on his own forehead before transferring them onto the forest faes forehead. Rekas licked his thumb and swiped it against the dark faes cheek going towards his ear. "Welcome to my home Inzi." Reka greeted with hidden unease. "Thank you for keeping me." The dark fae, Inzi, said.

Inzi moved so his counterpart could greet Reka where they did the same ritual. "Welcome to my home Zitheant." Nyx eyed Zitheant closely, "Thank you for keeping me." Zitheant replied.

The two Faes parted. "you've cut your hair." Nyx commented. Zitheant smiled, their blond hair was done up so half of the hair was loose and two braids came from either side of their head and joined in the middle to make one braid, a couple of smaller braids were decorated in tribal beads that joined together to make a ponytail of braids underneath the main braid if it were to be loose it would have just reached the middle of their back. They Smiled, "So have you, last time I saw you it was down your back." They said.

" Yeah, It was... I wasn't going for this short but I slipped the blade and cut it too short." He smiled, except that was a lie, he was, hair was important in their tribe it was a way to show status and loyalty, The loyalty lying in what ornaments decorated your hair as when you put them in they could take a long time to grow out again. It had been after they came home from seeing his friends when they threatened him and straight up disowning him after giving him the ultimatum of leaving Reka or telling the elders, he stormed into Reka's family home and headed straight for the bathroom and used a blade razor to cut through his very long hair, that was at least down to his hips. He had recently been given new ornaments, ones that specifically meant loyalty among family so he hacked away his hair until it reached shoulder length. Reka was shocked when he opened the bathroom door to see his boyfriend leaning over the sink with an awful haircut and clumps of hair surrounding his feet and countertop. His heart ached for his lover and gently hugged him bringing his head under his own chin. After a long comforting hug, he took his own haircutting scissors and got to work tiding his boyfriend hack-job up. Nyx tried so hard to stay strong in front of his boyfriend, but one misjudged look in the mirror brought too many emotions forward and he broke. He cried for the times he wasn't allowed to as a child, he cried for what he lost, he cried for the people that he used to call family that he lost, he cried for the home he had lost, he cried for losing the community he had grown up with, and he cried with jealousy of the family Reka had, one that truly did love him unconditionally.


Achie = a term to describe a lost friend

Dragon Tree dip = a spread with a nutty citrus taste that is served with starter bread comes from the root of the dragon tree which despite its name is a flower that looks like a tree native to the Evergrove forest

Hey Hoomans!

I got it out :) Wooo!

please comment it makes my confidence go brrrrrrr.

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