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Third Person

The road was bumpy and Jayland was slightly worried that he wouldn't be able to find his way back. Everything looked different in the dark.

Shadows cast eerie patterns on the ground and the woods made strange noises rustled around the forest and a tight feeling started in his chest and seemed to be rising by the minute.

Until he saw it, the old decrepit sign that he passed on his way there.

"You can stop here." He announced, sitting up straighter.

"You sure? I can take ya tad further" Aunty M's son asked.

"I'm sure" he replied, "I turn off the road here anyway" he lied. If he got off now he knew he just had to follow the road for a bit, then ... Well, fate would decide.

Slowly the cart came to a halt and he jumped out, his bare feet stinging as he hit the ground.

"Jayland!" Taylor called out, he looked back to see them all have a sad or worried look on their face.

He smiled at them "I'll be okay." He promised.

Taylor took a breath "look after yourself... Yeah?" Their voice broke slightly.

" I have people who will look after me," Jayland replied. Taylor nodded and sat back down.

"I know we haven't always... But i-" "I know" Jayland cut them off with a smile. " and so do I. All of you as well."

Cody let out a hiccup, tears starting to pool. "This isn't goodbye!" He begged. Jayland steps forward to bring him into a hug.

Jayland tucked some hair behind Cody's ear. "It is, but you're going to be fine." Cody shook his head and latched on tighter. Jayland returned the hug but slipped something into his younger brother's pocket, who looked up into his eyes.

"Something to remind you of me yeah? "  ".... Yeah," Cody wiped his eyes.

Jayland stepped back and waved. " goodbye and good luck" . he slowly watched the cart disappear into the distance.

When it finally made its turning he sighed and looked down the long road he'd take, barefooted and hungry he just hoped that the faes would take him back.

He began his long journey.

Slowly, the night turned to early morning, birds started to sing and the tranquil sounds of the woods started to wake up. Trees danced in the early morning breeze and the sun danced through the early morning dew.

Jayland however, was ready to collapse, his feet had split which made walking excruciating. He was tired and hungry, it had rained briefly but heavily so now he was shivering and damp.

All he wanted was to be at home.

He came to a rock that had flat with a brown tinge to it. It was old and worn with many uses etched into it and had a small dent of water where feet had been rested.

Jayland near enough collapsed onto it crossing his weeping feet. Tears pricked his eyes and his nose burned.

He sat there for what felt like hours until an odd sound came from further down the road.

What sounded like two horses' feet trotting down the road along with distant humming and one-sided talking that Jayland could yet work out.

He fully intended to keep his head down and let the cart go past, but something in his guy told him to look up.

When the cart came closer he and the stranger made eye contact, yet he didn't feel like a stranger, nor did the two horses that pulled the cart. A brown tri-socked horse and a smaller patchy white and brown horse. 

The man wore an old patched cost that was dared with three red buttons, his green trimmed hat which had two holes cut out for ears, one pointy another slightly bent at the top, an old tattered coat and even though Jayland couldn't see he suspected that he was wearing a skirt and leggings in much the same condition.

Jayland felt his eyes grow wide and a sudden bloom of hope.

The stranger clicked his tongue and pulled at the Raines and the cart came to a halt as Jayland tried to push himself up and a smiles spread across his face as he realised he recognised the man. The familiar round face and mismatched eyes of Kip greeted him with a tip of a hat.

Kip gave the small boy a happy wonky smile. 

 "Well, look at yer," Kip said in a kind tone. "Been through the wars and all." 

 Jayland felt tears prick his eyes. As if he could know. 

 "Hope on up yer wee lad." The bunny man opened the cart door and motioned for him to jump up. " I'll take yer home. " 

Jayland let out a sigh of relief and hopped up. However, suddenly, a rush of anxiety cascades through him. "A-are my parents mad?" He ask in a small voice, so small that Kip had to angle his ears towards him. 

"Not at yer, I can assure yer that." A wave of relief washed through him. "I've never seen yer dad chase someone out 'is as quickly as I saw him chase that dark Fae out. Other than that he's been beside himself looking for you." Guilt pooled in Jayland's chest. 

 "And Papa?" He asked. 

 " Never seen him like it ... How about we get yer home? " he said, dodging the question. 

Jayland yawned and nodded trying to fight sleep as he got himself comfortable as Kip covered him with a blanket. 

A jolt woke him again. He looked around him, not remembering when he fell asleep. 

 "Almost their laddie, " Kip told him, and it was true, he could see the cottage in the distance, he was almost home. 

When they pulled up Jayland sat up, his eyes made contact with bright forest green ones through the window of the kitchen. He saw them widen for a split second before they disappeared and a figure ran through the front door so fast that they almost fell. 

"JAYLAND?" The Forrest Fae called out, not believing his eyes. 

Jayland smiled "Dada!" He called back. 

Reka pulled open the cart and dragged the boy into his arms, holding him impossibly tight. 

"Oh, my Gods!" He exclaimed. " Your home! " 

Yes. Yes, this time Jayland was home.



I'm so sorry for the wait!!!

If you have stuck with the book this long thank you so much!

We are coming to the end of the book :(. There will be 3-5 more chapters plus possible bonus chapters,

(If you have suggestions please comment)

Thank you for reading and don't forget to comment!

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