spare coat (idk what to name this-)

Start from the beginning

Just after you placed your order the world around you seemed to start rushing. Moments ago it had been quiet enough to hear a pin drop, aside from the occasional clap of fake thunder. Now, you watched as people milled about, rushing from one place to another. You'd seen before how large a crew on a film production were. It took hundreds of people to set up their little camping spots in the mornings, but being in the thick of it was overwhelming.

Deciding it was best for your anxiety, you turned around to watch the barista finish up your latte. When she turned around though, her eyes didn't land on you, rather behind you. You figured someone was there patiently waiting for their own caffeine fix but you didn't bother turning to look. Instead you offered the barista a thank you, and stuffed what little cash you had on you, into the very small tip jar. It was a conspicuous jar, making you assume it wasn't supposed to be there. Someone from the production team probably already paid for the whole evening but you weren't apart of the production so you felt a little obligated to pay somehow.

The cup in your hands radiated a warmth you felt the need to bring closer. The liquid inside was still entirely too hot to try and sip but hugging the paper cup to your chest helped warm you up a little bit. You felt a shiver run down your spine at the contrast but a sigh of contentment left your lips at the same time.

"You look a bit cold."

The voice startled you a bit but you managed to not jump and spill all of your coffee. Turning a bit tensely towards the thick Australian accent, expecting to see a member of the crew, you were quite surprised to find a man in a mullet. He was covered in grime and fake blood. If you were honest, he looked a bit startling but incredibly handsome under all the gore. When you took in his leather jacket and biker boots it dawned you what set you were standing on.

"Just a bit."

You chuckled quietly, hoping to soften the sarcasm that dripped from your tone naturally. Luckily for you he laughed as well before turning to the barista who was impatiently tapping her fingers against the counter. Assuming that was the end of your interaction you started to walk away, only to hear him call to you again.

"Didn't get your name! I'm Dacre."

Turning back around to face him you felt heat rise to your cheeks, your eyes flicking from his face to the ground where you scuffed your shoe against the pavement.

"I know who you are."

Living where you did, it was pretty common to run into people you watched on TV. Norman Reedus had been inside of your house for goodness sake, and never once were you "star struck". Norman Reedus. But for some reason, Dacre Montgomery stood in front of you at the moment trying to speak to you and you couldn't even bring yourself to look up at him. At least until his hand reached out and brushed a strand of hair behind your ear.

"Sorry... your hair was in your face... thought I should move it so I could see you better."

You stared at him, mouth gaping for an uncomfortably long time. So long, in fact, that his face started to turn red. He quickly took a step back from you, immediate regret flooding your veins.


He started to say but you miraculously managed to shake your head, stopping him in his apology.

"It's okay... I'm Y/N, by the way."

You held your hand out for him to shake, which he took delicately into his own with a broad smile taking over his features. With a flutter of butterflies in your stomach, and a racing heart you felt a smile pull up your own lips. He told you it was nice to meet you, and then explained that they were taking a break to reset the set for their next few takes.

"So," he started, the question already in his voice. "What brings you here, Y/N?"

It was only at his question that you realised you hadn't explained yourself. He had picked up his own coffee moments ago, and motioned for you to walk with him. Your own coffee had cooled down a bit and you tentatively took a sip before answering him.

"It's kind of a long story. I live on this block and I didn't know anything about filming so, I signed a bunch of papers to at least be able to sleep somewhere until you all cleared out."

During your actually rather short story, you'd used your free hand to try and warm up your other arm. The night was dark but the lights they had set up were bright, nearly blinding. To say you were graceful would have been a blatant lie so you were trying your best to keep an eye out for the chords attached to said light. Maybe that was why you hadn't noticed him take his jacket off until it was draped around your shoulders.

"Do you want my coat? It's really cold out here."

You almost laughed at how he didn't even give you a chance to answer his question, somehow though you kept a straight face as you looked up at him.

"Actually, I don't want your coat. Kind of rude of you to ask."

The smile on his lips fell momentarily but was replaced quickly when you laughed. Most people couldn't handle your sarcasm, it pushed a lot of people away but with Dacre it was just the start of a beautiful new relationship.

Dacre Montgomery Oneshots.Where stories live. Discover now