Chapter 36: Z Fighters vs. The Andriods (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

Well, at least he brought us the senzu beans... Luna thought, a small frown on her face as she wondered how someone could just leave their friends when they needed them most. I guess it's his decision to make...

"Don't you think it's a bit strange?" Tien said suddenly, all of them looking his way as he went on. "It's already after ten o'clock and there isn't a single sign of those androids..."

"Yeah..." Gohan said, his eyes widening a bit as he remembered the prediction. "I forgot all about the time..."

All of them looked towards the city below, standing there in silence before Yamcha spoke up. "I can't believe I actually listened to that kid..." He said in frustration, putting his hands on his hips while thinking about all the time he wasted training. "Androids... That's a good one!"

"You should stay prepared..." Luna warned, looking at him seriously as he just laughed while walking over to Bulma.

"Don't be so literal you guys..." Bulma added while glancing at her watch, "It's only ten seventeen... I wouldn't jump the gun just yet."

"Excuse me, but I think we would have sensed their power levels by now..." Yamcha said cockily, raising an eyebrow at her before continuing. "Sorry to disappoint you Bulma, but those androids just aren't coming..." He finished, smirking down at her before an explosion in the distance shocked them all.

"Woah, what was that?!" Luna asked out loud, all of them staring towards the sky as they saw something falling through the smoke.

"It's Yajirobe!" Krillin shouted, spotting his car as it sailed towards the ocean before hitting the water with a splash.

Piccolo growled, his eyes going wide as he noticed something floating next to where the explosion had happened. "You guys! It's the androids!" He rasped, all of them following his line of sight to the two people hovering above them. "Up there, I see them!"

Luna gasped, along with everyone else as they all watched while both figures descended quickly, disappearing into the maze of buildings and roads below.

"They flew into the city!" Tien said, stating the obvious as Yamcha ran up next to him, both of them scanning the streets for any sign of trouble.

"But where did they go?" Luna questioned, floating over to both of them as she had a bad feeling about the fact that she couldn't sense either of them.

"I don't know... Did you see them?" Krillin asked, glancing up at Goku.

"I'm not sure..." The Saiyan said hesitantly. "One second they were up in the sky, and then, poof! They just vanished..." Goku mumbled in frustration, his tone unreadable as he frowned while clenching his fists in front of him. "I didn't even sense their power levels!"

"Well... They're both androids... Aren't they?" Gohan said suddenly, putting the pieces together as he frowned, wondering why he hadn't thought of this sooner. "So maybe we can't!"

Luna's eyes went wide as Yamcha shook his head, looking back at all of them in shock. "Th-That's crazy!"

"But... How are we supposed to find these androids if we can't even sense where they are?" Luna asked quietly, playing with her hair nervously as everyone remained silent.

"Oh man..." Krillin mumbled, looking around at his friends with worry.

"Well, if we can't sense their power levels, then we'll just have to find them the old fashioned way... With our eyes." Piccolo growled, not believing he actually had to explain this to all of them.

"Oh, yes... Hehe... That's make sense..." Luna added, scratching her cheek nervously as she glanced up at him.

"Right!" Goku agreed, taking charge of the situation as he made a plan in his head. "Let's spread out you guys! Bulma! Look after these..." He added, tossing the bag of senzu beans towards her as she caught it. "Now remember, if you find the androids, don't try to take them on by yourself! Wait for the others... Gohan, go check on Yajirobe... See if he's okay..." He finished, glancing down at his son before watching as he nodded.

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