Zee: He was sitting in the middle of the warehouse with his knife in his hand as I made my way inside. "I thought I told you to cut ties with Tul?"


Max: I will myself not to stutter as I make my way closer to him. "I did, what are you trying to imply?"

Zee: He looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "Are you sure about that?"

Max: "Yes, I'm sure. What's gotten into you?"

Zee: "Well than I guess Tong got it wrong, he told me that he heard you guys going at it in the public bathroom yesterday. Would you like to explain that to me?"

I silently face palm myself in my head. 

Tong you fucking dumbass.

Max: I take a step forward. "I can explain."

Zee: "Eh there's no need, because I'm actually not here for that anymore. I just wanted to see if you would admit it or not."


Max: "Than why are you here?"

Zee: "Well it just came to my attention to why I couldn't find you in the family pure blood archives at the house. You are registered as a half-blood because your mother is actually the maid. Who would have known that you are just another low life asshole vampire."

How dare he criticize Mother Lily just because of her status.

Fuck him...

Max: "Shut up Zee."

In a blink of an eye he was Infront of me and his blade was shoved deep in my gut.

Zee: "To my astonishment I have been given your name as my first target. Congratulations Max you actually are important for something. Your wanted dead. Yayyy."

I just held my stomach as I tasted blood welling up in my throat.


I just got my other holes to heal, this fucking asshole.


Max: "Well it's a good thing that I have no intention in dying today. You forgot something."

Zee: He raises an eyebrow in amusement as I wince in pain as I pull the dagger from my gut. "What exactly did I forget?"

Max: I moved quicker than he could comprehend and grabbed his throat as I picked him up off the ground . "I'm not strapped to a chair today."

Zee: He gives me a sadistic smile as he chokes out. "You also forgot something though."

Max: Feeling panicked. "What?"

Zee: "I have more than one."

With that, he shoved the other dagger a few inches away from my heart.

God damn these daggers need to be outlawed.

Who the fuck invented these?...

I drop him immediately as I try to steady my breathing to do another extraction. As I was pulling it out of my chest and Zee was on the ground coughing for air, I heard running footsteps from behind me.

I swear to god if this is Xing I'm going to be pissed. I don't want to hurt either one of them but there making things difficult.

Tul: "Zee stop it! I don't care if he's on your list, just stop it."

What the fuck is he doing here?

Max: I look behind me as he makes his way to me and stops. "Go home Tul, I can handle this."

What he didn't know was that pure bloods cant die from just a stab in the heart like a half blood, the only way we can truly die is if our heads get cut from our body's. So even if Zee did stab me in the heart, I would only go unconscious for a few hours so my body could regenerate and fix itself and then I'd be fine. 

So I'd much rather Zee just get it over with instead of me hurting him but he seems to like to play around and stab me every were but my heart and its pissing me off cause it hurts like hell.

So Tul really needs to go home before he gets hurt.

Before I could do anything though Zee was behind Tul with a wire pulling against his throat so tightly that I could see it cutting into the soft flesh of his throat.

Why the fuck is he so cruel, it's his best friend for gods sakes.

Zee: He looks at Tul's face with sadness in his eyes. "I'm sorry Tul but I can't let you stop me, he is my target and I need to kill him. I don't want to take you down with him. I consider you a brother, just walk away."

Tul: Choking out in pain as the wire continued to go deeper into his throat. "Fuck you."

Zee: "Don't make the same mistake your sister did, think about how disappointed in you she would be."

That did it, I could see the light in his eyes go out as his facial expression feel into a deep well of sadness. 

It's my turn to make this all better. 

I can't let him die.

I looked down at the dagger that was still in my hand as I brought it up to my chest lined up with my heart and looked at Tul with all the love I could.

Max: "Tul, I want you to listen to me carefully. Don't morn for me okay, live a happy life and try to move on with each passing day. I know that it's going to seem like the end of the world right now but it's not. In this life or the next, I will see you again. I love you Tul."

I used all the courage I had left in me to carry out my plan, I plunge the dagger straight into my heart as I fall onto my knees in pain. Fuck this hurts.

Tul: Screaming hoarsely against the wire while struggling in Zee's arms. "Noooo."

After a little while I could see my vision going fuzzy and all I felt was pain but I wanted to reassure Tul that everything was going to be okay because I could see him shaking and it broke my heart.

Max: Struggling to speak or form words in my head. "E-everything is g... going to be o-okay."

The last thing I remembered seeing before hitting the concrete when the rest of my body gave out was Tul being released by Zee and him rushing over to me.

I wish I could have felt his touch again, just one last time before I greet the darkness...

Ill be back Tul.

Please wait for me...

Cruel Reality (Completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now