Part 2

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**Win's POV**

I really couldn't help it, he was just way too easy to mess with. It didn't help that I was one of the only ones that knew about his secret, well I guess our secret. He has become our family's biggest secret. It pains me to see him so hurt with the way things have to be where he can't join us during holidays, family reunions, family post cards or updates.

It just wasn't fair to him, he didn't ask for any of this but he is determined and strong. So I know that some way or other, he will get through this in one piece.

He is special...

Basically, When I was 3 our parents had Max by accident but they didn't want to get rid of him like they were supposed to, so when he was born he was given to our maid and she was sworn to secrecy to swear until she died that max was her child. She was a half-blood so it didn't matter if she had more than one child.

After Max turned 36, my parents decided to tell him the truth because he kept acting like he was less than us and it broke our mothers heart to see him like that, but even after explaining the truth to him it didn't help but made things worse. He locked himself in his room for months and didn't talk to anyone.

Eventually I got tired of seeing him like that and I told him that it didn't really change much, he would still technically be the maids son and have his other siblings but at least now he would know who he really was and wouldn't treat me like a master anymore instead of a brother.

It frustrates me that I can't openly call him brother or proudly talk about him when he makes an achievement like an older brother is supposed to.

So instead of thinking of the basic cruel reality of his situation, I tend to cover my sadness with jokes and laughter.

I don't know what I would do if he ever got caught.

I'd probably kill anyone that found out before they could rat him out.

He means too much to me to just allow him to die.

Not like there aren't some assholes that I already want to beat into a pulp, stupid ancients treat him like a joke when they visit to speak to our parents because maids are viewed as low life trash.

Fucking bastards...

Tong: He comes over to sit by us as Max slowly raises his head and I try to muster a smile. "Why do both of you look like you want to die and punch someone at the same time. Is the food really that bad or did you guys get into another fight? You guys really need to learn how to get along. It's been what, 17 years since I've met you and you two still can't get along. I mean really is this normal?"

Win: I smile and shake my head at Tong. "Don't worry too much about it. I was just teasing him about Tul and Xing is all. He'll stop sulking eventually."

Tong: He nods his head as he sits down and slowly starts to eat as he glances over at where Tul was standing. "I don't understand how someone can grow to be that hot and still be human... Makes sense that he's an asshole though, just saying..."

Max: He looks up at Tong and glares. "It's because he's perfect." With that, he picks up his tray and backpack before heading over to the trashcans. "I need to go to class now. I'll see you guys later. Don't cause any trouble."

Tong: He glances at me with confusion as he points after Max. "Seriously what's wrong with him?"

Win: I shrug and finish my food. "I don't really know, he keeps acting weird when it comes to Tul." I point an accusing finger at him. "Where have you been by the way?"

Tong: He looks down at his plate as his face turns red. "I was trying to make sure my boyfriend was okay, he hasn't shown up to any of his classes yet and I was getting worried so I called him. I also needed to feed real quick, I was feeling a little light headed..."

As I'm standing up to leave, I shake my head in disappointment and laugh to myself. Ever since Max and I met Tong 17 years ago. We have never known that he was gay until about a year ago when he told us that he was with somebody but until today he has refused to tell us who it is.

It's probably that best friend of his that he's always hanging around with. It would make sense since he was also a half-blood like Tong was.

Unlike Max and I, Tong was only 42 and he was a half-blood. It was still a little weird always hearing him talk about feeding since Max and I didn't do that.

Especially since it was against our laws...

Win: " Are you ever going to tell us about your mystery boyfriend?"

Tong: He shakes his head and smiles. "Not yet."

Win: I start to grin teasingly. "okay, you keep your secrets but I feel like I already know who it is."

Tong: He grins back before standing up to gather his food as the warning bell goes off. "Whoever you think it is won't be right. Let's just say it was unexpected."

Win: I pick up my tray and dump it in the trash as I follow him toward the east side door. "You do what you think is best, just stay safe and try not bring it up so often. Max and I already feel single as fuck."

Tong: Looping an arm around my neck as we walk to our next class. "You'll find someone eventually, we can't die of old age remember?" He points behind him toward the direction that Max had left. "Is he still fantasizing about Tul?"

You could say that, I personally think his obsession with Tul is a little weird since Tul is human but I stopped trying to change his mind months ago.

It's absolutely pointless...

Win: With a heavy groan. "Yes... Its driving me insane. At this point I wouldn't even care if they got together if it would make Max stop looking like a sad lost fucking puppy every time there in the same room."

Tong: Releasing me as we walk into our classroom. "Hey man, love does funny things to a person. He'll get over him eventually and if not, Tul will be dead in about 80 years anyways. Just leave him be for now. He's not doing anything wrong."

Win: I plop down in my desk next to his and rest my head in my arms. "I know your right, I just don't know if I can take another 80 years of this."

Tong: "It's not like you have much of a choice. He's your best friend. You guys have been together since you were young. Your too protective of him to just leave him behind."


I sometimes forget that Tong doesn't know our secret...

I just hope he's right about Max moving on after Tul dies. If not then I don't know how I'll be able to help him. 

He always tries to fix everything on his own and burden his sadness on his own...

Not answering him, I lift my head as the teacher walks in and starts explaining the assignments for that day.

Great now my head hurts from over thinking.

This sucks...

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