Part 25

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**Zee's POV**

Gun: He kisses my shoulder as he lays on my chest and plays with my hair. "Happy birthday babe..."

This was the first time I had ever let him come over to my house for a sleep over because I didn't want to wake up to anyone but him. I've been trying to think of ways to end things with Tong because I didn't want to hurt Gun anymore but Tong was a good spy when it came to keeping an eye on Max and Tul. He had no idea about what I had done so he often talked about how Gun and Tul were acting weird and tried to find ways to help them. It gets annoying to listen to but it makes it easier for me to not have to follow Max every were like I did the first week after I let him go.

Zee: I gently kiss his cheek before trying to get up and find some clothes. It's going to be a long day. I just hope my first target is easy to deal with. Tul is going to hate me when he finds out what I did. "Thank you. Did you bring any clothes for the party tonight?"

Gun: He stands up and pulls on a pair of underwear. "Did you forget?"

Zee: I turned around to look at him in confusion as I held up two suits. "Forget what?"

Gun: He comes up to me and pulls one suit out of my hand and waves it around with a smile. "You should wear this one it always makes you look handsome and I think you forgot about our conversation last night before bed. I told you that I wouldn't be able to make it tonight because I have appointments scheduled all day for work. I have to leave in an hour."

Oh right...

Honestly I didn't like that he worked so much, it made me want to barge into his work place and declare that he no longer worked there.

I shake my head and smile as I pull him into a hug. I shouldn't have these thoughts while I'm not on my medication. I haven't taken it since the day I threatened Max about killing Tul, I figured that if it really came down to that situation it would be a lot easier to go through if I wasn't on my meds. I seemed to do dumb shit when I was off of them either way. Yea he was my best friend but I already felt like he was changing into a different person ever since he met Max and I didn't like it.

Zee: I sit back down on the bed as he walks between my legs and wraps his arms around my neck. I love how small he is. "Oh yea, I kind of did forget about that. Are you sure you cant just cancel your appointments and move them to another day?"

Gun: "You know that if I could I would have already done that." He kisses the top of my head before letting go of me and heads toward the bathroom. "Would you like to take a shower?"

Hell yes!!

Zee: I get up real quick and follow him into the bathroom as I close the door behind us. "I would love to."


The rest of the day kind of went by in a blur once Gun had left and now it was time for the part that I was really excited for. All of our guests were arriving and I had already seen Tul and Xing walking around talking to elders. It was currently 5 in the afternoon and everything starts at 5:30.

Tong: He taps me on the shoulder as I'm walking toward the kitchen. I turn around to see him smiling widely. "Happy birthday! How are you feeling?"

Zee: "I'm feeling really good, a bit nervous but good. Why do you look so happy though?"

Tong: He hands me a cup of wine as we make our way to the backyard. "Take a wild guess?"

Zee: "Mmmm, because it's my birthday and I'm in a good mood?"

Tong: He stops in front of me with a fake thinking face on. "Well I mean yes but also no." He looks around and spots Tul across the yard before pointing at him. "I heard Max and Tul having sex in the school bathroom yesterday. I'm in a good mood because it seems like they made up. I don't have to deal with a moody Max anymore yayy."

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