Part 3

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**Tul's POV**

I didn't ask for this life but unfortunately I was born into it.

Oh how much easier life would be if I didn't know that vampires existed. Not only do I know that they exist but I also happen to be in the one main family that the vampire hunter origination (VHO for short) have to rely on the most for the extermination of vampires.

There are 10 family's that the VHO open up to about the extensive destruction that vampires have brought to our world. Unfortunately I was born into the #1 family and I really wish I wasn't.

VHO has one rule for all children of the 10 family's.


On everyone's 21st birthday they are given a name in an envelope that you have to terminate. It does not matter if you have killed a vampire before your birthday or if you train. The test is known to give you someone in your town and no matter who they are you must kill them. If it is not done in the span of a week then you are automatically branded a traitor striped of all titles and sentenced to death...

For the most part everyone is able to accomplish their missions but when they can't it's a sad day for everyone...

About 3 years ago my sister was one of the ones that wasn't able to carry out her mission and she was killed In front of every one of the 10 family's as an example...

I guess she had fallen in love with one of her classmates and he ended up being her 3rd mission. She refused to hurt him and the order was passed on to someone else as they killed him In front of her and then killed her In front of all of us as she cried for her love.

After that happened, I stopped getting close to everyone and only stayed with the twins. They are the only ones I trust to never lose. Why get close to strangers to just end up losing them some day.

I don't want to make the same mistake my sister did...

There's only a few more months until my birthday...

Doesn't help that the only way to really know who is a vampire is when they crave blood. You see our VHO only hunts half-bloods, as far as we've been told pure bloods are no threat to us. So about 3,000 years ago we started to only target half-bloods because there violent and unpredictable.

Xing: She squirms in my arms and looks up at me with a concerned look on her face. "Are you thinking about the past again?"

Crap, I didn't want to wake her up...

Tul: I kiss her forehead and look over at the clock and groan. "yea, it kind of just popped into my head. Did you sleep alright?"

Xing: She sits up while pulling the blanket with her. "I keep telling you that you shouldn't think about those things. You can't change the past no matter how much you want to, believe me I know... And I guess so, you kept rolling around in your sleep. I know that we don't have classes until after lunch but I don't understand why you always want to go to sleep so late."

Unlike her, I didn't care that I was naked. It's not like she hasn't seen everything already anyways. 

I get up as her words get thrown around in my head as I head over to my closet to get my uniform while she stares at me from the bed.

Tul: "I know babe, I just can't help it sometimes. I keep waking up to that same dream of Natasha dying and it just brings back a lot of memories. You should try and hurry up, if we don't leave soon we won't be able to eat lunch before class starts and I'm feeling extra hungry today."

She pulls the blanket off the bed with her wrapped tightly in it before I raise my eyebrow at her like *really?*. After that she sighs and drops the blanket as her cheeks turn red and she hurriedly changes into her uniform.

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