Part 19

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**Max's POV**

For the past month I have been in charge of watching over Tul in my room, every day I would go to classes, grab his work and come back home to clean his wounds and do homework. No we have not done anything other than kissing, I made it very clear that I would think about it after he was completely healed. Every Saturday I would feed on him to keep my health up and that was usually whenever he got horny the most because of the connection.

Yea I get horny too but I think my self-control is way better than his. Then again I've been a virgin for 105 years so yea...

About a week ago Win had finally moved back into the dorm because he was getting bored at home, at first we wouldn't speak to eat other but I think he's slowly becoming less mad at me as it dawns on him that there's only so many years we have left together. He refuses to talk to Tul though and that's fine. They both need a bit more time to cool down anyways, I don't think anyone can get over almost being murdered in just a month.

My least favorite part of all this was when Xing would come over and act all lovey dovey with Tul right in front of me, whenever she would come over I would just ask what everyone wants to eat and go buy some food, she would usually stay for 3 to 4 hours a day. I understand why Tul doesn't want to break up with her yet but it's not fully fair to me you know?

Anyways, its currently lunch time and Win and I are getting impatient because Tong is late. The only reason were worried is because he is never late.

He usually loves school and getting good grades. He's such a nerd but we love him either way.

Technically he's still young to Win and I.

I hope that Tong and Win can be friends for a long time, Win is going to need someone when I'm gone...

At that thought I could feel my mood deflating, I know that I had made the right decision to be bonded to Tul but it still makes me sad.

I'm going to miss everyone...

Thankfully today is Tul's first day back to classes so I can't wait until he shows up. He's only late because he had to sign some papers and things in the office to explain why he's been out of class even though I've been bringing him his assignments so there shouldn't be any major issues.

Win: Nudging me in the arm with his elbow. "Hey are you okay?"

Max: I shake my head out of my daze and give him an apologetic smile. "Are you actually talking to me now or am I dreaming?"

Win: He looks away as he stabs his food aggressively. "Shouldn't I be the one to say that? Why aren't you still mad at me?"

Because you're a dumbass. Which is what I wanted to say but I didn't.

Max: "Well because you are my brother and I understand why you did it, as long as you don't try to do it again then I'll leave it alone."

Win: He looks at me out of the corner of his eye. "I still messed up big time, I shouldn't have freaked out so badly. I'm sorry..."

Max: "You've been saying sorry for a week now. How about you apologize to the person that you actually need to apologize to and ill except my brother again."

Win: "I want to but I'm afraid that he won't forgive me, I don't want to mess anything else up."

Dumbass he forgave you the same night you did it, if only you hadn't over reacted then you would have known that.

Tul: From behind Win holding a tray. "Just don't try to kill me again and were good. You not speaking to me was killing Max."

That made Win jump a little bit from the sudden intrusion in our conversation but he just nods his head and gives a half smile.

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