Part 7

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**Xing's POV**

Xing: Angrily slamming my door as I finally make it home from Tul's dorm room. Whispering under my breath. "Where the fuck is my brother?"

He ditches us all day and then doesn't come home and its already 10. Does having mindless stupid sex really that great? 

The only person I could possibly imagine myself sleeping with is Tul. He's the only person I've been able to look at since we were kids.

There was this one time when I was 8 and I had decided to sneak out of the house to go to the park because a few friends from school where going and a big scary man had showed up with piercing blue eyes. He smiled down at all of us and tried to attack a few of us when Tul had showed up with Zee and attacked the guy. Its scary to think that two 8 year old boys could kill a grown man but they did and it ended up saving my life and all of my classmates too.

Since then, I haven't been able to look at anyone but him, he's like my knight in shining armor. He's also been al of my first and I his. My first kiss, my virginity. I just cant imagine my life any other way. Luckily I was able to convince his parents to arrange our marriage for after we turn 21 but he didn't know about that yet.

When Zee and I were little, probably around 4 or 5 both of our parents were killed during one of there missions out of town and our parents best friends ended up taking us in after everyone found out they were dead. 

Their friends so happened to be Tul's parents, so as of right now Zee and I live at his house and Tul ended up moving out to live in the college dorms as soon as he was of age. He said he didn't like feeling suffocated in his own home. Zee and I are currently being raised by his family's maids and butlers because his parents are never actually home. Their always out doing there missions to actually be home. That's one of the bad things about being in one of the top 10, they never actually have the time for their children...

The entire situation is kind of sad but there's nothing we can do about it, were just lucky to have a home to go to in the first place. Around 15 years have passed and now things are going okay, other than Tul's sister dying and him acting really weird the past few years since that accident. 

Life has been difficult...

I don't really consider my life my own. Tul has become my life, as long as I can make him happy then I am happy.

I understand that his feelings might not be as strong as mine but I do believe that he at least loves me back. We've been together for a while now and it just seems as easy as breathing when I'm with him...

I mean how could he not love me?

Feeling frustrated, I lay down on my bed with an "oof" and stare at the ceiling. How did my life get like this?

What dumbass scientist decided that it would be okay to mutate humans into killing machines. (of course I know who but that defeats the purpose of my statement...)

Pulling out my phone from my bag I call my brother.

Xing: He picks up on the first ring. "Where are you?"

Zee: Sounding a little frustrated. "I'm outside, so calm down. I'll be up in a second, it's been a long day. I wanted to grab some coffee before going home."

Xing: "Whatever, I'll see you when you get inside. I want to talk to you. Plus I know that's bullshit because you don't even like coffee..."

Zee: Sigh. "Ok..."

Right when I was walking around my room to clean it up a bit, Zee walks in and rolls his eyes as he sits down on my bed.

Zee: "What did you want Xing?"

Xing: "I want to know what's been going on with you lately. Where do you keep disappearing too and who do you keep seeing. I know that you have been meeting up with someone behind my back. Your such an asshole."

Zee: Looking bored as fuck. "Why is that even important?"

Xing: Starting to feel myself getting angry again. "It's import because I would like to know where the hell my brother is when he decides to ditch us at a party and then not show up to school the next day. You know I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up finding you dead in a ditch one day. Your too reckless."

Zee: He stands up with a sigh and walks over to me before rubbing my head and heading for my door. "And you worry too much, I just needed a pick me up. I was feeling restless. School is really boring and I don't like being the awkward third wheel to your relationship. Just let me do what I want from now on. I'm really tired right now so I'm going to go crash now. Try to get some sleep Xing, and stop worrying about me."

Xing: I try to walk after him. "Wai..."

But before I could say or do anything he had closed the door in my face and probably headed to his room.

God dammit Zee...

Grumpily I walk over to my closet and kick the door before walking in and changing my clothes into some pajamas.

Why do those two keep thinking they can just push me around?

Dammit now my toe hurts too...

After throwing on some shorts and a tank top, I crawl into bed and stare at the ceiling as I start to drift to sleep with a thought in my head about my distant boyfriend.

Xing: Whispering sleepily. "Who the hell is that guy Tul keeps looking at?"

I don't trust him...

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