Part 17

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Warning: This chapter has some violence in it if you do not like to read violence please skip to the bottom of the chapter. 

**A month later**

**Zee's POV**

At this point I don't even know what's going on with everyone. Tul has been really distant lately and barely hangs out with Xing and Xing has been moody and bitchy all month. Its driving me fucking insane. Why are they being such children lately?

So once I left classes that day I decided to go explore a few abandoned towns around the city, there was talk that weird things were happening there and I found that fascinating.

Cab driver: "Uh sir are you sure that you want to go to this area. It's not a very safe place to go to begin with. I think we should turn back..."

Zee: I laugh in the back seat of the car as I look out the window watching the abandoned houses. "Yes I'm sure. Don't worry about me just get me there as soon as possible. I'm meeting an old friend out there."

Of course that was a lie but it's not like I could have told him that I'm a hunter and heard some weird things in this area so I figured that there has to be a few half-bloods in this area. The driver kept glancing back at me nervously through the mirror and I just grinned like an idiot. He probably thought I was psychotic at this point. Which I mean he wouldn't be wrong.

In terms of sane people, I am at the bottom of the list at this point.

The view was pretty boring to look at to be honest, all it was where houses that looked like they haven't been lived in, in years but that's fine because after another 30 minutes of driving through this crap I caught a glimpse of what I was looking for.

I could see someone running but not at a normal past that someone could possibly keep up to.

Zee: I tap the drivers shoulder. "Here is fine." I give him a 100 dollar bill and then open the door to get out. "Keep the change."

Without listening to his response I get out of the car and walk to the far side of one of the houses as I see something move past another house again. Feeling excited I pull out gun from my waist line and unsheathe the knife from my thigh as I walk toward the sounds.

At first I couldn't see anything but the closer I got I could it, there were 8 half-bloods feeding on 3 woman and doing some really fucked up shit to them at the same time.

God that's disgusting and that's coming from me...

I tried to sneak around the first building without being caught but I walked straight into one of the smaller ones as I quickly pulled them toward me and snaped there neck before he could blink.

Okay 1 down 7 to go...

I don't know if I ever explained this but hunters get special daggers. The blades are made of very fine wood that was carved with spikes pointing inward with means once its plunged into someone it'll rip them apart when pulling it out. Not a lot of hunters like to use this type of dagger because it's known as "gruesome" but I find it very handy and less chances that my enemy will get back up again.

The next three kills were pretty easy because they were all facing behind me so all I had to do was plunge my dagger into their hearts and cover their mouths from making any noise.

To be honest this was kind of boring, I usually like the whole being on the verge of death thing but yea this was boring as fuck...

Well 4 down 4 to go.

It's funny because as soon as I thought that two more turned around to look at me and that's when I cursed myself for talking too soon. They rushed at me and I had to duck from one lung and then broke another guys arm before I broke the other guys leg and now they were just pissed and all I could do was smile like an idiot.

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