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Her daily outfit outside of the north and south. The bracelets are the wrist cuffs and the bands on her shoulders.
Anyways, enjoy!

Lyra's POV

The day began as usual. As I woke my senses expanded. I stomped my foot, sending a thin mist into the air. The water molecules became my eyes. The area's absent of water were objects. Such as clothes and other objects. Tents acted the same as well. However people were different.

For example, whenever Gran Gran was near I could sense the water in her body.

People were filled with moving water. I assumed it was blood. Likely the case.

Anyway, not only that the absence of floating molecules in the air told me what I needed to know. It was less accurate the further I was from the object (much like a normal person's vision. The way the molecules moved around the person also helped tell me who it was.

It wasn't very accurate at all. It was really easy to mess up if they had the same body structure and height.

I pulled my dark hair into a half updo. Half in a bun and half down. Pulling some into two separate tails that hung over my chest. I rewrapped my chest with a bra made from polar wolf hide.

I pulled on my shirt after pulling the gold bands to my shoulders and tied the edges of the shirt together with leather strings. My pants came next. Then my socks and boots.

I put the wrist cuffs on. I normally didn't take them off but I'd taken a bath earlier in the day and didn't want them damaged. I slid my hands through the holes and tightend them to comfort.

I pulled my coat on and wrapped my waist with the cloth securing it with the straps.

With my blindfold on I was finished.

I stepped outside feeling the sun on my face. The icy wind brushed my cheeks causing my skin to ache.

Katara approached behind me. I could tell it was her from the way she stepped.

Where her steps were heavy and grounded (Much like Sokka), mine were light as I treaded over the snow.

Gran Gran used to say that had I not been born in the south pole, and me not be a waterbender, she would've thought me an air bender.

"Hey, Lyra." She greeted. "Sokka, and I are gonna go fishing. Wanna come?" She offered.

I shook my head no.

"No, thanks. I have chores to finish. If you're going with Sokka I can take your chores until you're back." I offered looking in the direction of her voice where the water molecules spaced out.

"Really? You're the best little sis ever!" Katara said as she hugged me tightly.

I smiled.

"Sure, whatever. Just stay safe alright?" I stated.

Sokka jumped in on the conversation. Likely feeling left out.

"Of course! We'll be back in a few hours." Sokka promised.

I held out my pinky.

"Pinky promise?" I asked.

"Pinky promise." They said at the same time wrapping my pinky with their gloves.

"How on earth do your hands stay warm? You don't even wear gloves!" Sokka stated. Sounding surprised.

"I warm the water in the air." I started blatantly.

"That's possible?" Katara asked clearly confused.

I nodded. Making the air warmer with the water molecules.

"Whoaa..." Katara said sounding amazed as the water vapor around her turned to nice steam.

I smiled, my chest puffing out proudly.

"Okay, I'm out of here!" Sokka yelled boredly as he sat himself at the front of the canoe. His spear whacking the sides of the boat.

"Hey" I called back to Sokka.

"What?" He questioned sounding annoyed.

"Can you guys catch an ocean trout? I need it for tonight's dinner." I requested.

"What are we having for dinner anyways?" Katara asked.

"We're having seaweed noodle stew and stewed sea prunes on the side. I was hoping for artic hen. But since you guys are going fishing- I was kinda hoping-" I blabbed. Sokka interrupted me.

"Sure, we'll catch some ocean trout. How many you need?" Sokka asked leaning back towards me.

"Well.. around 20 to 25. I'm cooking for the village again" I explained.

Sokka shrugged in response, as Katara entered the boat with a creak. She carried a pot of water for the fish.

I waved goodbye as they rowed away until my water bending could no longer reach them.

It wasn't until near evening when they returned. I was surprised (to say the least) when they returned on a massive creature.

Katara introduced me to the third figure they were with.

"Lyra, this is Aang. Aang, Lyra" Katara introduced.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you!" Aang greeted. He sounded no older then thirteen.

I was filled with a feeling of dejá vu.

"Have I met you before?" I asked boldly but quickly covered my mouth.

"Sorry, that was rude of me" I apologized quickly.

Aang's stare pierced my blindfold. I could feel it.

"No" Aang answered in confusion, "I doubt it" he added.

I shrugged, "probably just me then" I hummed.

"Before you, go, wherever you're going would you like something warmer?" I offered.

"No, thanks, I'm fine" Aang stated as I nodded hesitantly, as we finished Katara took the opportunity to catch Aang's attention.

"Here Aang, I'll show you the guest tent!" Katara urged Aang, sounding excited.

I shook my head at her optimism, how I wish I could be that optimistic.

"Hey Katara, the guest tent burned remember?!" I reminded her.

Katara's steps ceased momentarily as she froze at the memory.

"Oh yeah! Here, you can stay in ours!" Katara bounced and offered optimistically. She dragged Aang towards the tent as I raised my eyebrows.

Aang agreed giving his thanks. Most of the village was asleep already, having eaten leftovers from breakfast, and lunch.

Tomorrow would be a long day...


Sooo second chapters out! I'll see you guys in the next one. Stay safe and healthy. Have a good day my Bookworms! I'll see you guys!

The Blind WaterbenderWhere stories live. Discover now