"Put her down." Came Luis's throbbing voice from a distance, "Don't make me repeat myself, Joe, let her go."

"This was an order..."

"Now I'm giving you mine, let her go...now!"

The guard sighed and let me down, I shoved him and ran to Luis's side,

"You okay?"

I bit my lip holding down the tears and fury I felt.

"Miles has gone too far."

"I know. ..He's being defensive."

"I get it, my actions precede me but, this time all I want is for Carlos to be okay. I'm not the enemy here."

"I'll talk to him. In the meantime let's get you inside, it's freezing." I followed Luis inside and he escorted me to a room, "Freshen up, I'll have someone bring you some warm clothes and something to eat."

"Thank you." I smiled besides Carlos, Luis as always been very true to me,

"You're welcome--"

I jumped when the door suddenly stormed up open and Miles raged in,

"What do you think you're doing?" He howled at Luis, "She needs to leave."

"We need her, Miles." Luis growls at Cole, elbowing him out of the way as he makes his way towards me, "None of this is her fault." He barks at Miles. "She's not the enemy here. You don't get to blame her anymore for what's happened, if you're looking for someone to blame, blame Aurora, she's the enemy. Eva is innocent, treat her with some respect, if not for anything do it because she means so much to Don. If you have even an ounce of respect for him, you'd have some for her too. He'd kill you if he knew you hurt her or made her cry, you know he would."

"We don't need any more problems and she's clearly not to be trusted."

"Right now we need all the help we can get, keeping him locked and key is clearly not the solution anymore, remember what the doctor said, he needs a stable environment so his body can heal faster. And, I know you hate to admit it but, he loved Eva, more than anything, so having the woman he loved stay by his side isn't the worst thing in the world, perhaps she's the strength he's been waiting for." Luis says to Miles, who's accusing glare slowly turns into a frown.

He turns away from me and walks away. I just burst into tears.

"Eva, don't cry. Miles is just upset."

"He's right, It is my fault."

"This is not your fault, you had no idea he was in this condition."

I look up into his eyes, tears falling from my face onto the bare skin of my collar bone, and I shake my head at him slowly.

"Don't patronize me, Luis. It's all my fault and you know it, if I hadn't been an idiot, If I hadn't fed him all those pills."

"Those were years ago."

"He's weak, and I know weakness should never be a word to describe Carlos knight but, let's be honest, he's this way because of me, I did this to him, me and no one else, and Miles hates me for it... I swear if something happens to him, I won't be able to forgive myself, I can't.." I choked.

Luis reached out and wrapped his arms around my shoulders in a brotherly manner, whispering in my ear.

"Carlos is a strong man, the strongest I've known, believe me, Eva, this is not the hardest thing he's had to go through by himself, he's been through much worse in the  past and he's always managed to pull through effortlessly, I always admired t...

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"Carlos is a strong man, the strongest I've known, believe me, Eva, this is not the hardest thing he's had to go through by himself, he's been through much worse in the past and he's always managed to pull through effortlessly, I always admired that about him, no matter how long it takes, I know he will make it through." Luis said, and tugs me into him, patting my head softly as I hunch closer into him. Allowing his brotherly comfort to calm me and eventually stop my tears.

"He's going to be fine, I promise." he mumbles softly, unwrapping his arms from me and allowing me to pull away.

He reaches into his pocket handing me a white-colored handkerchief, with a soft smile and I grab it from him offering him a nod in gratitude.

I wipe my tears with it, brushing it against my nose as I sniffle.

"I'll wash this and get it back to you when I can." I mumble to him into the handkerchief and he nods, patting my head once more before leaving me to thoughts.

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