Chapter 52

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No One P.O.V

Christmas was coming around which is 23 days from now and everyone was making sure They buy their gifts early and not at the last minute. But first they need to know what The person likes.

The whole family was at the Jeon's castle in the living room discussing what they should do for Christmas. Jeonghyun was in his playground fence playing with his toys not caring about a single thing. Seungyeon( Taehyung's mom) and Minjae (Jeongguk's Mom) got in front Of Jeonghyun face. "Jeonghyunie what do you want for Christmas since you're favorite grandmama is going to get it for you," Minjae said as she tries to get his attention.  Jeonghyun was not listening to her since All of his attention were on his toys.  Seungyeon laughed at Minjae then took her chance. " Jeonghyun do you want an iPhone, Ipad, and Macbook pro?"Seungyeon asked Jeonghyun who turned around and looked at her with wide baby eyes. " So you do want Apple products. I'll get it for you and along with some other stuff too." Seungyeon said as she caresses his cheeks. 

"Well, Jeonghyun do you want a ps5?a car? Gold? I can get you anything." Minjae said.

"Women, why would a baby need a ps5 for when they can't even hold a controller correctly," Jeongguk said. "Shut it, boy. Don't you notice that he is four months yet he acts like a six-month-old?" Minjae asked.

"Yeah, but still he will probably drop it the moment it is in his hands," Jeongguk said.

"Then what is this?" Seungyeon asked as she points her finger at Jeonghyun holding her phone with both of his hands.

"The next second he will drop it," Jeongguk said.

Jeonghyun held the phone then drop it but the good thing is that the phone was only 1 inch from the ground so it shouldn't be cracked. Seungyeon picked up her phone and sighed in relief that her phone did not have any cracks or catches. "You almost scared me for a second,"  Seungyeon said as her hand was on her chest. 

"HEY BOOBOO." Jeonghyun's Grand-grandmother yelled as she got closer to him so she can hold him and hug him. Jeonghyun knew who the voice was so he crawled over to the other side of the fence so she doesn't come near him. She teleported behind him and picked him up giving him a hug and start kissing his face. Jeonghyun started crying and trying to push her away from him. She stopped kissing his face and start comforting him.

"Aww stop crying, do you want your Cooky plushie?" She asked Jeonghyun as she hands him his favorite plushie. Jeonghyun took it and drop it.  Jeonghyun turned his head in his father's direction.  Jeongguk took his son from his grandmother's grasp and comfort him which Jeonghyun stopped crying. Jeonghyun gripped his father's hanfu and laid his head on his shoulder.  

Taehyung came from the kitchen since he made Jeonghyun's formula milk.

"What Happened Here?" Taehyung asked.

"You know Jeonghyun getting scared of my Grandmother," Jeongguk said. 

Taehyung walked up to Jeonghyun who was in Jeongguk's arm. "Do you want milk Hyunie?" Taehyung asked as he rose the Bottle of milk in front of Jeonghyun. Jeonghyun lifts his head up then took the bottle and started drinking it. 

when Jeonghyun finishes drinking his milk Jeongguk took the empty bottle and place it on the table.  after 2minutes of patting Jeonghyun's back, he finally burps.

Jeonghyun started hiccuping for some reason. "Jeonghyun do you have a milk-drinking problem?" Jeongguk asked. Jeonghyun just hiccuped again.

"Are you drunk right now?"


(Translation: I'm not drunk. Stop assuming things.)

"I need you to tell me the truth, Are you drunk?"

His Possession (kookv)Book 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن