chapter 5

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Guys i found this new K-pop boys group band called 'A.C.E' and there song "under cover" sounds so good  watch this video above after reading the chapter
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No one p.o.v

As Taehyung got to his college ,he got out of the car after saying thank you to the driver . When he was about to walk inside the building the bodyguard said

Hoseok: Taehyung I'm coming with you
mr.Jeon told me to keep you safe and watch you for the whole time.
Taehyung: I'm sorry I almost forgot about that because I'm not really
use to having  someone watching me 24/7 .
Hoseok : it's o.k I understand you anyways let's go *smiles widely*
Taehyung: okie dokie*smiles too*
As   both hoseok and Taehyung  were going to go inside some people were giving Taehyung death glares  which were not scary to him at all he thinks they were trying to make their faces more uglier than before AND hoseok thinks that they all need some help or Jesus  .As they both walk through the hallway taehyung's bullies coming out of nowhere and decided to approach Taehyung with an insult

Bully#1: oh look who do we have here ? Oh right a trash can
Taehyung: um  excuse me bitch but I know I'm not a trash can for a fact
Bully#1: what did you just say *growled*
Taehyung: let me repeat that for you , I said um excuse me bitch but
I know my not a trash can for a fact. what are you deaf ?or does that small brain of yours have to take hours to process what people are saying to you. Anyways bye.

After taehyung said that to the bully  and it  has left everyone else speechless even hoseok
When both of the two men's got to the class the professor greeted them with a good morning and they greeted her back with a good morning to you too but then the professor notice that Taehyung was not alone  so then she asked Taehyung who hoseok was.

Professor: Taehyung who is this
Taehyung:oh this is hoseok my personal bodyguard and hoseok this is my
Hoseok: hello my name is hoseok I'm taehyung's personal bodyguard and was ordered to watch him by Mr.Jeon
Professor:w-what mr.Jeon as in Jeon jeongguk?
Hoseok : yes what is surprising about that
Professor:oh nothing *fake smiles*

The professor was going back to teach the class about something that is not really interesting and blah blah blah blah blah ............... Blah

Jeongguk at his office

Jeongguk p.o.v

I was at my company right now working in my office but I couldn't get my mind off of taehyung like he is the most sweetest ,beautiful  person I've ever met. As I was typing on my computer I heard the most annoying voice  from my workers and her name is Lisa she always trying to flirt with me but I ain't buying it cause I'm taesexual .

Lisa : *seducing Jeongguk* hey oppa
Jeongguk:*didn't listen to her and staying focus on his work*
Lisa: Jeongguk oppa~ can you please drive me home *batting her fake dollar tree eye lashes*
Lisa: oppa why not I know you love me and only me
Jeongguk:*sighs* Lisa I don't love you how many times I've been telling you this
Lisa: but oppa you don't have a girlfriend or boyfriend
Jeongguk:actually I do have a lover it's just that I don't want you to hurt the person
Lisa: ugh but I'm way better and prettier than the person
Jeongguk:*rolls his eyes* you know what just get out of my office NOW .
When Lisa left my  office  I felt relief cause I didn't want to deal with her annoying ass .
I continue to work on the computer until it was
Lunch time.

His Possession (kookv)Book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora