Chapter 48

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No one p.ov

Jin and Jimin were at a cafe having a conversation. "So yeah Namjoon asks if I wanted to go on a date with him when I was already at the date isn't that cool?" Jin asked Jimin with a smile. "Oh my- why can't Yoongi be like that with me? which is kind of upsetting since he literally tries to make me jealous 5 times this year and I try to make  him jealous 4 times that's not fair." Jimin said. " Yeah, you guys have to be even otherwise what's the point cause that's not a healthy relationship if you guys aren't even on your flirting scandals," Jin said before he took a sip of his drink. "To be honest I'm thinking of straight-up just dumping him because first of all he never spare me like I know I don't spare him either but like at least let my ass have a break." Jimin complained. "Oh wow, you know not all of gets to have fun all the time. Oh sorry, it's just that Namjoon doesn't satisfy my needs no matter how many times I clearly give him hints."  Jin explains as he rolls his eyes.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to offend you-" Jimin apologizes before getting cut off by jin.

"No, you're saying that you get to more fun than I can," Jin said as he got more annoyed and offended.

"Oh, you wanna fight with me? You wanna fight in front of these people who clearly care about our conversation?"Jimin asked as he was getting up preparing himself to fight jin. 

"Literally no one cares about your conversation." One of the customers said.

"Yeah honestly, we just want to eat in peace can you guys shut up or something?"Another customer asked.

"WHERE IS MY ORDER OF FRIES?" one of the customers asked as she was getting impatient.

"Honestly Jin maybe we should be a little quieter I mean WE ARE BEING LOUD," Jimin yelled out loud which got more customers angry.

"Oh my- can you shut up?" The 4th customer asked.

"Wow, you are annoying Jimin," Jin commented 

"well, you know I may be annoying but maybe Jeongguk is more annoying where is he?  he has taken the longest which is why I can't even eat this good cake it's getting cold," Jimin complained as his stomach was growling in hunger.

"You know that he has to take care of Taehyung right. we only waited 29 minutes so he should come any minute now." Jin said as he looks at his watch.

"Okay good because I'm really tired of waiting here that if he doesn't come out the next minute I'm going to kill him." Jimin said as he was getting more annoyed 

Jeongguk came the moment Jimin said he was going to kill him." You are going to what now?" Jeongguk asked  Jimin.

"Oh no, you do not say that you are going to kill Jeongguk that is the worst thing you can do to yourself." Jin said.

"Oh hey there Jeongguk  um w-what's up?" Jimin asked Jeongguk with a nervous smile.

"I literally heard exactly everything you said but I'm not going to be mad about it since I have to be nice to you because I'm forced to and I'm a royal in a public setting otherwise if we were at my house I would've killed you but I can't do that right now. So hi Jimin I never liked you." Jeongguk said in disgust with a fake smile.

"Oh, my gosh same Jeongguk like he is so dumb-" Jin said before getting cut off by Jeongguk.

"I never liked you too Jin. So don't think you are so special." Jeongguk said rudely as he rolls his eyes. 

"Ha," Jimin said to Jin.

"Why did I have to come here like It's so unnecessary for me to be here. I just to be at home with my wife and my upcoming son." Jeongguk said as he sat down on the chair. 

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