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🇦 🇺 🇹 🇴 🇷 '🇸  🇵 🇱 🇦 🇨 🇪 
(For the pic, credit to the artist)
I'm gonna write something very important, guys, stop judging my story, my english, the way I write. Okay I know it's childrenish but when someone judge me I feel like shit and I feel very bad.
So if someone doesn't like some stuff I've said before, DON'T READ THE STORY, just dont bother me. This is me, this is my story. I can do whatever I want. I won't change or deliete the store except if someone in the story (like skeppy, bbh or someone else) ask me to do it.
So stop write mean comments or judge me/the story.
Thanks :)

Skeppy's pov
bad takes his hands off my face, caresses one and kisses it

Bad: don't be shy...

I lie down and let my boyfriend lie on me, he starts kissing my forehead and stroking my hair while I scratch the back of his neck while I put my other hand under his shirt.

At one point i turn my head for watching the window and i see my stalker smiling at me and holding a phone.

I say this immediately to bad that he immediately rises from my body and abruptly approaches the window.

Bad: what the f*ck are you doing?!

Jonathan: oh guess who recorded everything?

skeppy: why are you ruiming my life?! What's wrong with you? why you can't just leave me alone?!

i start crying and bad look at me with almos tears in his eyes

bad: look what you did, you made him sad, you are an horrible person, jomathan

Jonathan: oh...

Jonatan start to looking at me, in a sad way, at one point he shows me his phone and he deliete the video he made... is he really sad and mad to himself for what he did?

bad: what? really? was it so easy?

jonathan: hey, i have an heart too!!

bad: yeah sorry, wanna come in? Out there must be so cold...

skeppy: bad! we can't let him get in, he could be mean

Jonathan: yeah bad, i could be mean

bad: shut the f*ck up, skeppy, he seems really sad for what he did

skeppy: yeah but-

bad: hey let's try, otherwise i have an axe!

skeppy: hey john, did you hear my boy? He has an axe

Bad: no skep, you had to say "my daddy' got a gun" lmao

skeppy: stfu let him get in lol

jonathan comes in and we take him to a room and give him some warm clothes.

Bad: I swear if you try to play jokes I'll kill you

skeppy: calm down bad, we just have to lock his door...

jonathan: what if i have yo use the restroom?

skeppy: uhm right... should we make him sleep in the bathroom?


jonathan: no please...

skeppy: let's lock our room than

bad: yeah that's a better idea...

I am about to say something but something fall on me, broken the roof

skeppy: ouch!

techno: HI SKEPPY


dream: BAD!!

george: DREAM!!

sapnap: sapnap!!

I get up and throw myself over techno asking him what the f*ck he was doing there. he and the others replied that they had come to see me because they had known about the stalker, bad called them!

I told them that Jonathan was actually a nice person and he feel sad for what he did so we are safe.

sapnap: so what do you guys want to do?

dream: let's play minecraft!

george: that's a good idea, who wants to join?

everyone decides to join and we sit on the sofa with the fire on and start playing, along with jonathan too.
we play until 3 in the morning and slowly everyone falls asleep on the floor or on the sofa... I fall asleep last, I finish talking with techno and I fall asleep in the arms of bad.

I always wake up in bad's arms, I raise my head and look towards the kitchen; I see dream cooking breakfast and george sitting on the kitchen table... how cute they are.

I wonder if me and bad will be like them, I really want to...
I feel something touch my head, it is bad with two sleepy eyes smiling at me and yawning

bad: good morning baby

skeppy: 'morning

we get up and go to the kitchen to get something to eat, I take two toasts and some jam; instead bad takes some milk with chocolate cereal... sapnap and techno catch up with us, they had slept a lot and were super hungry, so they started looking inside cupboards, on shelves, in drawers... until

sapnap: hey what's this thing?

we all turn to check what he found

dream: hey looks like a tape recorder...

I glared at Jonathan and Bad approached him

jonathan: yo! I don't hit anything!

bad: you better tell the truth or I'll break your face!

jonathan: hey why should I lie! I love you... you welcomed me as a family and I care about you, I swear!

George: I believe him...

skeppy: okay okay well pass me that thing

I pick up the recorder and see that it's deactivated... it was probably already there... but why put a recorder in a house in the mountains? weird...

dream: anyway... I have a proposal for you!

bad: shoot!

dream: i inherited an apartment in new york from a great uncle who just died ... since i care and i don't want to sell it, i thought i could go and live there! it is very big and has rooms for everyone!!

a smile appeared on everyone's face and we accepted.

jonathan: sorry but I have to go back to my family... see you!

jonathan leaves and we start packing... oh my i can't wait to move with bad, dream and all the others!! i am so excited aaaah!

🇦 🇺 🇹 🇴 🇷 '🇸  🇵 🇱 🇦 🇨 🇪 
uhm... h-hi-
don't kill me plz sorry for begin inactive (lmao my schizophrenia is getting wrose)
anyway how are you? i am okay i think lol
can you please follow my other account? Taglioletti_in_brodo that would be so cool🥺
i really apreciate who will do it :3
can you also vote my story? please i need votes to be motivated twt
thank you for 3.07k
last thing, I HAVE A MINECRAFT SERVER... dm me if you want to join, plz i'm like alone aaah i have no friends

1067 words

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