2: Everything has a video

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"There is no sinner like a young saint." - Aphra Behn

I can't focus on my case. It's an arson case, I am the lawyer for the person, Delilah Lawkins, who is the lead suspect by the police. She claims that she is innocent. It will be easy enough to prove that she is with the lack of evidence and the witness claiming it was her just based on them seeing a 'female outline' get in the elevator last.

The paper itches in my pocket and as soon as I am alone in my office with the blinds drawn I am pulling it out.

I expected a name, but instead I get an address. 564 Cermak Road and an order number 11G. I leave before Anna for a change. I arrive there at around 11, it is a small Italian Restaurant, worn down, with hardly anyone in it.

I step up to the counter and give the cashier a small smile,

"I'll have order 11G."

The teenage girls eyes jump to mine, she gives me a blank stare,

"We don't have that number on the menu."

A skinny guy sticks his head around the corner,

"What order is it?"

I call to him,

"11G please."

He looks me over, confusion glimmering in his eyes. He shrugs slightly,

"Alright then. Go out and take the door to the left."

He fishes around and practically flings a key at me,


I leave the deep dished pizza parlor and open the door beside it after a few tries. There is a single flight of stairs that are badly carpeted. I make my way up to an office. A man, perhaps in his late 40s turns from multiple security monitors. I let out a low whistle as I take in the walls of security footage,

"Is this legal?"

He turns to me, gnawing on a piece of licorice.

"You the one the detective sent?"

I nod absently as I look around,

"And nah- it ain't legal. That a problem?"

I bite back my yes and instead turn to face him.

"She said you would be able to help me with the Davis Case."

He nods slow,

"Yeah I caught it on here. Sometimes I help her find footage. It can't be used in the investigations cause I'm not legit- but it helps her look for the right shit."

He flicks through a few things, I walk closer and lean over his shoulder slightly. It takes him a moment to pull it up. I flinch as the bullets fly into Williams.

"You have the car's license plate?"

He nods,

"She couldn't use it cause it won't hold up in court, but yeah."

He zooms in, I grab my phone and take a photo,

"LNM 629."

I study it, eyes narrowing,

"That's a Canadian plate- Ontario."

He leans back, the mold in the room causes my nose to crinkle.

"The Detective understood that this was too risky to continue to follow. If I were you- I would bear that in mind."

I look around at all the cameras,

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