1: Of Monsters and Men

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"The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes." -Conan Doyle

I leave the courthouse with quick steps, catching up to John Kennecky. He glances at me,

"What can I help you with Ms. Canegallo?"

I tip my head to the side as I fall into step,

"The judge dropped the charges on your client. I oversaw the evidence that was collected. Over half of that was not shown in court today."

A car pulls up, he pauses as he opens the door, eyes impassive,

"What are you implying?"

I hold my ground.

"I think you know. I don't know how your other associates may treat you. But I will not turn a blind eye."

The middle aged man runs a hand through his greying hair, he is in time for another dye.

"You are just beginning to move up the ladder. That comes hand in hand with becoming-"

Something hardens in his gaze, a futile attempt to intimidate me. His face sags off of his skull, one shoulder slumped in the tailored suit. His collar creates a slight bulge of fat around his neck. His tan is well done for an September day. He clears his throat,


He steps into the car and closes the door in my face.

I watch him drive away, into the depths of the city.

The office is quiet, it can't be any time before 2am. The darkness is lit up by the city lights that gleam. I stretch and move from where I was reexamining Kennecky's latest case. My coffee cup is cold.

My fingers are icy, the heat is cut off in the building at midnight. My assistant pokes in her head,

"Hey, I'm gonna head out. Is that okay?"

I look up at her and clear my throat.

"Could you come look at this for a second?"

Ann nods and makes her way over to me, she lets out a low whistle,

"What is all of this?"

I weigh my options for a beat.

"Clemmence Williams was shot 8 times in the back, he died. There were 4 witnesses. 3 of them have been taken out, they all look like suicides. The first, Jerry, out the window. The second, Lilian Mortian, a visitor from out of state, slit her wrists back in her hotel room. The third, Arthur,"

I point at the picture,

"Hung himself from the ceiling fan in his mom's apartment. She has dementia and was in the apartment when it happened."

Ann makes a face at the gruesome photographs.


I lean back in my seat,

"The 4th witness went into protection, but was released today. Because the trial for the person they accused,"

I point to the photo of the 19 year old white boy, skinny and tall, like a string bean, with a history of heroin.

"Decided he was not guilty. 2 of the witnesses- Jerry and Lilian- were not once shown to the judge. They both testified that they had seen him do the act before they committed suicide."

Ann is quiet. She slowly meets my eyes,

"What are you saying?"

I lock my jaw,

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