23: The Dead Bay

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We step off of the wooden dock of the harbor, and onto the sandy beach littered with driftwood and seaweed that's washed up in the tide. White seagulls call at us from above and the waves lap against the ground at her feet. Avoiding smaller mobs that look a lot like Saberfish, the four of us walk with an eager, up-beat pace. Every hour we're getting a little bit closer to forming our guild and I get a little closer to discovering who's behind the mutiny on the Shield.

Felix and Rin both seem a little distant, and every now and then I swear I see them glancing at one another, rolling their eyes, or just generally looking annoyed. The only logical explanation is that they're having a private conversation with chat messaging and arguing about something. Maybe I'm just looking into things between them a bit too hard and I'm seeing things that aren't really there, but something tells me that all is not okay between them. As Rubble and I walk behind them in silence, I glance at the big guy next to me and wonder if he has the same suspicions. I send him a quick message.

Aiden Rockwell: Hey. Do you think Rin and Felix are fighting about something? They seem off. Annoyed with one another.

Rubble Miller: Probably. Their relationship is off and on like that sometimes. I think that's why they don't publicly express their feelings for each other. One day things are good, the next they're butting heads about something.

Aiden Rockwell: I see...

I guess that's even more of a reason not to get involved with Rin. I don't want to put a wedge in our party. I change the subject, and Rubble and I small talk awhile longer about nothing in particular, just passing the time as we search for the entrance to the Dead Bay dungeon and trying to give Rin and Felix all the space we can. Within another twenty minutes, we find a cave at the foot of a rocky bluff on the beach's edge. The exposed stones and dark entrance of the cave mouth looks formidable.

"This must be it." I say, stepping closer to look into the dark depths. Just barely, I can make out the glimmer of water. The cavern is flooded.

"Nope," Rin says from behind me. "It's a trick. Turn around."

I do as she says. All three of them have their backs turned to me, facing the glittering water as they poke at the air and navigate their HUDs. I frown. "But all I see is the ocean."

Felix takes a few steps to the side, points to the mouth of the cave, and then out at the sea. With him out of the way, I spot a wooden buoy bobbing on the waves about 200 yards out at sea. A bright red flag atop the buoy flaps in the wind. "That's a marker for sailors to watch out for ship wrecks and reefs under the water. Also, you could just check your map instead of asking dumb questions."

I feel like a dolt, but that doesn't excuse Felix's jerkish attitude. It makes me wonder if I've done anything to piss him off. Rin turns her head around, setting her violet eyes on me with a half-smile in attempt to pick me back up again.

Rin Akari: Sorry. He's been moody lately.

Aiden Rockwell: ... Is something going on?

Her expression contorts like I've reminded her of something that bothers her. I feel guilty, wondering if I'm poking my head into a place I have no place to.

Aiden Rockwell: I'm sorry...

Rin Akari: We'll talk about it later.

I take a deep breath to wash away the anxiety. There's hope. I haven't completely stepped in lava just yet.

"What do we do?" I ask.

"Swim out there and touch the buoy," Rubble says. "The dungeon will take over from there."

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