15: Sunshine Mines

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When Felix said we could use a little bit of sunshine, it didn't dawn on me at the time that we had been standing directly in it for hours already. He took me back to Birch Castle without divulging me in much else, and once inside the white stone walls of the city, led me off through stinking alleyways stuffed with trash, and to the other side of town.

At the base of a guard tower, where NPC troops are practicing swordplay with one another and shooting arrows into straw targets, Felix motions to a certain man leaning against the far wall with his arms crossed and a grim, crinkled expression on his face. With a shrug, I head over to the man.

The NPC's name, Rupert, appears before my eyes when he says, "Good-day. Looking to enlist or just muddy my yard and guffaw at my men?"

I raise my eyebrows. Not a friendly way to start a conversation, and I'm curious to see how this NPC reacts to things I say. I'm feeling bold, maybe because I know it's not a real, living person, but an AI. Sticking my thumbs in my belt and puffing my chest, I say, "They look stiffer than a wooden board and softer than kittens, these men."

Rupert doesn't miss a beat, understanding what I said and going along with it. "Aye, they're rabble. All of them. But on the King's command I am sworn to see them fit for battle," he says begrudgingly. "Only the King doesn't know it'll take six months before they're ready to raid the mines."

"Raid the mines?" I ask.

"Aye," says Rupert. He stands from the wall, seemingly more interested in our conversation. "Just off the mountain pass waits a den of evil sorcery deemed a threat to the stability of his Majesty's kingdom. Dark arts brood down there. We aim to send a company down the tunnel shaft of Sunshine Mines, but my men aren't going to be ready before the problem gets worse. The cult down there is recruiting new members every day while I can't get my men more than a meal a day or find them a master wizard willing to enchant their equipment for free. These men don't know it, but I shan't think we'll pull through."

"What can I do to help?"

Rupert's eyes widen as he smirks. "Unless you got the gold to outfit my men and hire them a master wizard, I think a pre-emptive strike on the cult to thin down their numbers and caution others not to join would do the trick. That is, if you think you've got either of those things."

New quest available! Sunshine Mines


Donate 10,000 gold to Captain Rupert.


Defeat the dark magicians within the mines.


10,000 experience

1,000 gold

(LV. 10) Bastard Sword

1 Captain's Favor

"I will do my best to vanquish the evil at its source, good captain Rupert. Farewell."

The NPC nods at me, pleased with my words, and I spin around enthusiastically to face Felix with a smile. He looks a little bored from my conversation with Rupert, but I can imagine it's probably because he's already heard it a million times. "Well, I definitely don't have 10,000 gold, so I take it we're going to clear a dungeon?"

"Yep," he says as he turns, motioning me to follow him. "Let's go meet with the others by the south gate. They're waiting."

A fit of curiosity and eagerness takes over me. This will be my first actual quest, I think, and the idea of going up against a mysterious cavern-dwelling cult I don't know much about sounds exhilarating. Also, I can't help but wonder what that captain's favor does. There must be realistic limits to what I can ask for, but I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

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