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here is just a list of all the characters in the story introduced so far.


Kylie Sanders : best friends with Alice Campbell, has one big brother Hayden.

Alice Campbell  :Werewolf ,  mates with Aaron Phile , best friends with Kylie Sanders,  no siblings .

Aaron Phile : to be alpha of Shadow Shine Pack, mates with Alice Campbell, best friends with Nathan Monroe, has 2 brothers and 3 sisters  - Max , Alex , Megan , Marissa and Dania .

Hayden : Kylie's elder brother. Fondly called Den by Kylie. Works at a bowling alley. In search of a proper job. 

Nathan Monroe: Beta of the Shadow Shine Pack. Best friends with to be Alpha Aaron Phile.. Has a sister and a brother– Nora and Nick.

Max : elder than Aaron , fond of both Kylie and Alice , mates with Maria

Alex :  shares a birthday with Nathan, very fond and protective of Kylie and Alice .

Megan : younger than Aaron by a year . confides more with Alice.

Marissa : Elder sis of Aaron , loves both kylie and alice .

Dania  : Youngest of the 6 , 13 years old , loves , adores and confides in Kylie.

Nora and Nick : Twins , look up to Nathan , love the entire pack , love and accept kylie easily.

Mr.Phile/Jack : Aaron's dad.

Mrs.Phile/Lilly :Aaron's mom.

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