chapter 11 (part 2)

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Megan came and took me down to the cellar where all the kids were. And we waited there untill we hear a loud shriek and growl. Well the fight had begun and god please keep everyone safe .

---Kylie's POV---

Megan and I held each other's hands as soon as we heard the loud and ear piercing growl. I know she was worried about Nathan , her brothers , Alice , the girls , her parents and evryone else up there just like i was. I didnt know what to do and how to help in such situations?

I turned around to see all the kids and pregnant ladies with worried looks on their faces, thinking about their parents and their mates. I looked at Megan and i instantly knew we both were thinking the same thing . Even though we couldn't go up there and help everyone we could try to comfort the people here with us. I walked towards the kids and  knelt down to their level as they gathered around me.

"Hey i know his awsome game we can play while we wait for you parents to come and take you. Do you want to play ?" I asked them.

the soon to be moms looked at me with faint but genuine smiles on their faces while Megan joined me with the kids.

"Ok " a small girl squeeked.

soon Megan and I were playing parcing the parcel, we told stories of legends etc. I checked my watch to see only 15 minutes had gone by but to us in the cellar it felt like hours. Suddenly we heard a growl near by. I didn't know whether it was someone from our troup or the rouges. I looked towards Megan and she was sniffing the air.

"Kylie i don't recognise this smell . I'm sure it's no one from our pack. So i must be a rouge . Gather up the children and ladies to the far end of the room and make them sit there. Fast " she said walking towards the door of the cellar. I quickly gathered the kids and told them to go to the far end of the room which was dark . I told them to sit there and not make any noise. I then helped the ladies one by one quickly and made them sit next to the kids in such a  way all were protected by each other.  Megan was still standing next to the door , not making a sound, waiting for the rouges to make a move. 

I walked and stood beside her.

"whats the news?"

"well i'm guessing there are more than one out there. I'm trying to contact Nahan and tell him the situation but there are a lot of rouges up there and he's trying to get rid of them fast but i think you should go and sit down with the kids. It could get bloody" she daid.

"I'm not leaving you alone" I said firmly.

"Are you CRAZY Kylie. I will not let you get into an unfair fight. Heck i wont let you get into a fight period. " Megan screamed. 

All of a sudden the door banged. Megan pushed me aside with such force i went and banged the wall . she turned to see if i was ok for a second and then turned wolf. As she did the door flew open and a dirty red and brown wolf entered slowly , moving towards Megan. I didnt know what to do . They hadnt seen me as the night sky had cast darkness at that end f the room. 

Megan growled fiercely at them. I was so scared. I have never seen such a sight in my life. MY friend. Megan. she was in trouble. Yes she was a wolf but she was out numbered and i'm sure the rouges were not going to have any mercy in their attack. I looked to my left and right to find a weapon of some sort so that i could distract at least one of them from Megan. I saw an iron rod in the side . I slowly made my way towards it . My feet and hands shaking. I kept an eye on megan. Right now they were circling each other and I knew they were going to fight to kill. I took the rod in my hands slightly shaking out of fear. I saw the brown wolfs paw bend in such a way like he was going to pounce. He was going to attack Megan. I let out a ear peircing scream , closed my eyes , held the rod and ran in the brown wolf's direction. I think they did not expect this cause i felt my body heit the brown were and soon i was tumbling out of the cellar. As soon as i stopped i jumped on my feet and turned towards the were. I could hear growling and snapping sounds from inside. I looed at the were. His yellow eyes piercing into mine. I was shivering but i didn't  want to show it to the were. I heard the fight going on between the pack and the rouges to my right . The snapping and growling from inside stopped. I hope Megan was alright. The red wolf came out from the cellar . OH NO MEGAN . i screamed inside my head.

i pointed the rod to to red wolf and then the brow. The brown sniffed the air and then slowly started making his ways towards me. I took a step back. The red then sniffed the air and stopped. I looked at it straight in the eyes. Green eyes. The most mezmerising Green eyes. I  couldn't believe i'm checking out a wolf while he and his friends are trying to kill us. his eyes then turned black. After that everything happened in slow motion . the brown wolf leapt in the air towards me ,Megan came out of the cellar scratched and bruised horror written all over her face i saw the pack and the rouges stop look towards me shifting to human form , i looked at the brown wolf in the air making this way to attack meand then suddenly the red wolf jumped and pushed the brown out of the way , botj falling and tumbling to the right. my legs gave way and i fell to the ground. I swa Megan , the pack and the rouges making their way towards me and the 2 wolves but everything was blur.

After that everything went black.

---No Pov--

the red wolf pushed the brown one and they both tumbled and fell . Megan ran towards Kylie who had fainted from the shock along with the pack and the rouges ( now in human form too) went towards the brown and red wolf. they held the two of them from attacking each other. Aaron lifted Kylie in his arms and started towards the house. The red wolf saw them and turned human. He growled so loud that everyone stopped.

"MINE " he said in a low chilling voice. He went towards Aaron, siftly took Kylie out of his hands and walked towards the mansion. no one moved from their plces. They all knew what had happened there.

They didnt want it to be true .

But it was .

Kylie had a mate.


"IS anyone going to tell me where the medic room is or are you all going to stand there for the rest of the day. and by the way We need to talk" the red wolf(in human form) said giving the pack a side glance . That seemed to snap everyone from their trance. 

"this way " MR.phile said still looking a little shocked and led the way.

"Whats your name?" Nathan asked walking up beside the group behind him all curious to know.

He looked at them, then at Kylie limp in his arms and back at them.

"Jason Fields" 


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