Chapter 12

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Megan's POV~

"Hey are you ok? we need to clean you up. Come on" Nathan said to me tugging slightly at my arm. But i didn't want to move from where i was. All of us were currently outside the infirmary . Kylie was being treated by Dr. Sharma with Alice and Jason by her side.  I was feeling soo guilty for Kylie's situation. I should have taken better care of her and should have been firm about not getting involved in the fight. I hope she was ok because it has almost been an hour since she fell unconsious. I watched as Dr.sharma moved swiftly arund Kylie,cleaing up the minor wounds. 

Who would have thought Kylie would have a mate werewolf and that too someone who had gone rogue and  was planning on killing everyone today. How the events of the day turned out. The rogues planned on attacking but stopped when the found out their leader had a mate who is human and a friend of ours. Rogues never stop a fight they started. Never. There must be something more to them if they let us off the hook that easily today.  Apart from Jason , his bestfriend Mark was also infront of the infirmary with us. He stood at the far end of the room looking really uncomfortable. who wouldn't be. They just launched an attack on us and then stopped it because of Kylie. The situation was uncomfortable for them as well as for us . The other rogues were outside the house waiting for Mark and Jason to come and give them the green signal of escape.

But what got me worried the most was Kylie and Jason's new found, unknown to kylie , relationship.

would Jason reject her? 

Will she feel the pain as any werewolf would ?

Would Jason tell her she was his mate after she woke up or was he just going to go away before that?

Would he use her to hurt us?

What would we tell Hayden if he refused to backout?

How would Kylie handle this news?

Dr.Sharma came out just then with Jason and Alice behind him.

"How is she Dr.Sharma?" Aaron asked the Doc.

"ugh..she's good. Just needs a little rest. I need to speak with you Alpha could we talk in your study?" He asked dad.

"ya sure this way"

after he and dad left. The evironment in the room suddenly became tensed. Jason was staring at the ground with a blank face while Mark was looking everywhere , except at us .

"Lets go Mark" Jason's voice boomed.

"What ? are you sure? What about her, mate?"

"She's human. She wouldn't know anything . She wouldn't feel anything and as a matter of fact thank god . Lets just get out of here." Jason said making his way towards the front door.


I heard dad's voice boom from the stairs. He looked worried, confused and completely frustraited.

"What's wrong dad? " aaron asked coming and standing next to me, Alice and Nathan.

" Jason can't go"

"WHAT???" we all were shocked by what my dad said and Mark and Jasons eyes were filled with confusion and anger  respectively.

Dad  stepped closer to Jason and Mark " Do u want to be a part of dis pack?"

"WHAT!!!!!!!" The entire pack and rogues screamed.

Jason looked ready to kill

"ya  I remain alpha..but you are welcome to join with your friends as long as u remain civil."

Jason looked livid

"listen old man ..we are called rogues for a reason. I wont take orders from you. You must have gone mad."

He then looked at Aaron and spoke

"Get ur dad checked up" .

Nathan took hold of Aaron before he lashed out at Jason.

"I'm not doing it for u...infact I wouldnt even have considered it"

"then why did u dad" I asked him.

"Because of Kylie...for kylie" he said softly with saddend eyes.

What The Hell.

I walked towards him

" what happened dad? She's ok right. Dr Sharma told Alice that she was fine"

Dad looked around uncomfortably before he spoke.

"well I spoke with him before and told him not to tell you yet."

"Get to the point dad" Aaron said looking pissed.Alice wrapped her hand around his and that seemed to have little effect in calming Aaron down." Well...umm...Kylie...Kylie isn't human"

"WHAT!!!???? " everyone shouted.

"What do u mean dad" I asked

" she's a werewolf like us and believe it or not..she is going to have her first shift in 2 days on her 18th birthday"


I never got soo many shocking news in one day. Dad looked up at Jason and said "you know how painful the first shift is. that is why  parents mentally prep you kids up from when you are  born to bear it. But she just got to know about us..about this and its gonna pain 10times worse for her. She would need you to survive Jason. After her shift you can leave but I request you to  not  put her through so much when you know how to ease her pain"

Jason thought for a while and after a stern look from Mark he agreed. "But dad how is Kylie a is this possible. We coud sniff her out as human "

" I think Jason made the wolf sleeping inside her rise. Somehow her wolf never woke. It's like it chose to remain dead within her for some reason but when her wolf saw jason's wolf she wanted to come out.I have sent ur father Nathan to do a little research on Kylie and Hayden. Hopefully we can answee all our questions soon"

"Dad Hayden and Kylie arent biological sibblings. He couldn't be   a werewolf"

" sweetheart I saw something or feel something suspicious about Hayden. No doubt he loves kylie but there is something about him.Its like he knows about us...and now you say that they arent biological puts my suspicion into a new light and matter "

" What is it dad??"Aaron asked.

" I will tell you all when I have it confirmed. Until then...Make arrangements for Jason and his friends to stay. I have to get to work now and please don't kill each other. For Kylies sake...she needs you all right now...including you Jason" He said giving Jason a sad look and walked away.

"come i'll show you your rooms" Zach and Max said...the rogues followed him except Jason.

" you coming??" Max asked monotonically

" im going to stay in the infirmary " he said and walked inside towards Kylie.

The boys gave him a knowing smirk and left.

Nora and Nick started arguing about something but I was too damn  tired to listen I stiffled a yawn behind my hand

"lets get u to bed" Nathan said dragging me upstaires

" but kylie?" I said in a grogy voice

" I cant believe im saying this but... Jason is there so dont worry"

"i hope she will be ok after the shift , Nate"

"Me too Megan... Me too"

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