Chapter 36 - Two Lines

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I'm startled awake as Mitch's alarm sounds, so I roll over and elbow him. "Mitch, wake up," He huffs as he rolls over and reaches for his phone on the nightstand to turn it off. Suddenly my stomach begins to turn as I feel the bile rising in my throat. I immediately roll over him and dart for the bathroom. I hang over the toilet as every bit of undigested food comes up.

Mitch sneaks into the bathroom to check on me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. It must have been the chicken I ate last night. I don't know."

He leans his head against the door. "God please don't tell me you are gonna be sick today."

"I think I'll be okay, just relax."

He scratches his neck. "Can I get you anything?"

"Do you have something for nausea?"

"No, but I got a nerve pill. Would that work?"

"I'll try anything at this point."

He walks over to the nightstand drawer and pulls out a pill bottle. "Here's a nerve pill. It will help you relax. Maybe you are just stressed out."

I chuckle. "Yeah, maybe you should take one too."

"I plan on it."

He hands it to me, I get up from the cold bathroom floor and stand in front of the sink. I pop the pill in my mouth and scoop some water in my hand to chase it down. "Thank God for you. I don't know what I'd do if you didn't stay here with me Mitch."

He rubs my back gently. "Why don't you get a shower? You may feel better."

"I will."

I reach over and pull the lever on the shower to turn it on. While it heats up, I brush my teeth and strip off my clothes. Once the temperature gets hot enough, I hop in the shower to wash up and shave. The cramping in my abdomen intensifies as I lean up against the shower wall. Maybe I am getting ready to start my period?

After I've finished, I step out, wrap a towel around my body and my hair, and tiptoe into the bedroom to grab my clothes out of my bag. Mitch rolls off the bed and stumbles to the bathroom, allowing me privacy to get dressed. I put on a pair of distressed jean capris and a grey cut off t-shirt. The wedding is not until this afternoon so I am going to be comfortable for as long as I can. While Mitch showers, I fix my hair and makeup. As soon as he comes out, I sit down in the recliner and turn away, allowing him privacy to get dressed.

"Okay, you ready for breakfast?" he asks.

"I'll give it a shot."

He takes my hand and leads me into the dining room. Mitch and I sit across from Michael and Starlah. Lester is reading the paper as usual and Millie is sitting quietly at the table across from him. Michael and Starlah are talking with Millie about the events unfolding today. "Good Morning." Mitch interrupts.

"Hey, you two lovebirds," Michael says.

I begin to chuckle as I run my fingers through Mitch's hair and fix his collar to tease him. He casts a side glance towards me and smirks. Starlah snorts and covers her mouth. "Are you ready for today?" She asks.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

Sensing Mitch's annoyance with me as I continue to run my fingers through his perfect mane, I desist. God, someone bring the Mimosas, I could use a drink.

"What's for breakfast?" Mitch asks.

"Poached eggs with ham and toast," Lester answers without taking his eyes off the newspaper.

Georgia On My Mind - Second Generation - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now