Chapter 18 - Unexpected Proposal

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When I get home, I entertain Scarlett by playing Candyland with her. A couple of hours later, I hear a knock on the door. Scarlett rushes to answer it. "Hang on, baby, let Momma get it." I go up to the door and hang on to her as I open it.

It's Mitch with flowers in his hand. "There's my girl. How are you beautiful?" He asks as he comes in and kisses me on the cheek.

"I umm... I'm good, Mitch. What a pleasant surprise. I didn't know you were heading home so soon." I say half-heartedly.

"I wanted to surprise you."

"Oh well, that you did, come on in," I reply.

Scarlett looks up at him. "Hi, Mitch."

"Hey, cutie. Have you been good to your Momma?" He asks.

"Yep! My Daddy got me jewelry. Look." She says as she reaches out her hand to show him her bracelet.

His face drops. "Oh? Daddy? You have a Daddy?" he asks her and looks up at me with a confused look.

I sigh audibly, "Come sit down, Mitch. We need to talk. A lot has happened since you have been on your business trip." I confess reluctantly.

"Look, Mitch; Daddy got Momma a necklace too." She says while pointing at the necklace I'm wearing.

I bite my lip and put my hand over it. Mitch looks at me in shock. "I see that."

I feel like total shit right now. I can't even look him in the eye. I don't blame Scarlett for telling him. She doesn't know any better, but this is rough. He comes in and loosens his tie, and sits the flowers down on the table. "Fine, let's talk." He says as he sits down on my sofa.

"Scarlett, would you mind giving Mitch and I minute to have a grown-up conversation? Go play in your room, baby." I suggest.

"Okay." She says and runs into her room.

I walk over and sit down on the recliner next to Mitch. He looks over at me, his eyes full of hurt. It's heartbreaking. "Georgia, please explain what is happening." He requests.

I sigh audibly, "So, do you remember when I told you I didn't know who Scarlett's father was? Well, that was a lie. I knew exactly who he was; I just never told anyone. He wasn't even aware until yesterday when he came into town to visit his father, who had a heart attack. He stopped to visit me at work and that's when I told him."

He interrupts. "Why didn't you tell him before this?"

"I tried to, but he was forced to join the Marines because he got into some trouble with his Father. Something happened to where he didn't get paid while he was away; his phone was disconnected. I had no way of reaching him to tell him about Scarlett." I admit.

"Why did you tell everyone that you didn't know who the Father was? I would think knowing who the Father was and not being able to reach him is much better than not knowing who he is because you hooked up with a random guy?" He asks curiously.

My life sounds pathetic like a made for TV movie, but I continue. "I agree, I let that lie go on too long. The lie was worse than the truth. I was nineteen; what can I say? I was trying to protect him from my Father's wrath."

He begins to fidget. I'm confident that trying to wrap his brain around my web of lies is not an easy task. "Well, why did he buy you jewelry? I understand buying his daughter jewelry but why you?"

Oh boy, here it goes. "Well, because we have a lot of history. I am sorry, but I cheated on you, Mitch. I cheated with Scarlett's father." I blurt out.

He stares at me for a moment, then puts his head in his hands. "I see. Well, doesn't that just put a kink in my plans for us today?" he responds, leaning forward, looking down at the floor.

Georgia On My Mind - Second Generation - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now