Chapter 26 - Dirty Politician

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Georgia's POV

The apartment isn't the same without John Luke. I miss him so much. I know he will be back, but I haven't gotten my fill of him yet. John Luke should be back in a couple of days, so tonight, Miss Scarlett and I are laying low and ordering pizza.

I get my comfy clothes on after work and help Scarlett get ready for bed when I hear a knock at the door; I get up to answer it. I look through the peephole and find Mitch and his Dad Lester, standing on the other side of the door. Fuck! I open the door to greet them. Mitch looks tired and worn out, but his Dad looks angry. "Hey, Umm. Lester. Hey Mitch. What brings you by?"

"May we come in, dear?" Mr. Harrington asks.

I look down at my top and remember I'm not wearing a bra underneath. I awkwardly cross my arms to hide my nipples, "Umm... Sure."

They pass me in the doorway and stand in the entry. Lester glances down at my hand. "I see you aren't wearing the ring my son purchased for you. Why not?"

Mitch glares at him and rolls his eyes. "Come on, Dad. She doesn't want to, and neither do I." He argues.

"Shut your mouth, you little prick!" Lester yells.

I gasp and turn to Scarlett. "Baby, would you mind playing in your room?" I ask. She runs into her room and closes the door.

"Lester, I'd appreciate it if you didn't use language like that in front of my daughter," I say as politely as I can to him.

He sneers as he approaches me. "Listen here, you stupid whore. I will say whatever I choose to say. Don't think I haven't seen you running around with that other man playing house like you haven't a care in the world."

I am in shock, "Lester, that man is my child's father. While I have considered your son's proposal, I am afraid I'm going to have to decline and return the ring."

I march past them and collect the ring from my jewelry box. I return to the living room, where they stand, and hand Mitch back the ring. He takes it and puts it in his pocket without looking at me.

"No, you two will get married. I have a reputation to uphold. It's re-election year, and I will not have my son photographed having inappropriate vacations with his "assistant" Simon." He barks as he refers to Mitch.

I look over at Mitch in complete and utter shock.

"Sorry, you had to find out this way, Georgia. I am gay, and I've been gay my whole life, but my Father refuses to accept it." He says as he glares at Lester.

"Mitch, why did you lie to me? I would have accepted it; you are one of my best friends. I don't care that you are gay. I just felt like I deserved to know the truth since we were dating."

"He is not gay! That's why he's going to marry you. A gorgeous woman like yourself is just what my son needs to change his mind." Lester says as he eyes me up and down, paying close attention to my uncovered nipples poking through my tank top.

"I don't think it works that way. Your son has had numerous chances to make a pass at me over the last six months and never did. Not to mention, I thought you supported gay rights. Why are you worried about your re-election chances by having a gay son when everyone knows you support gay rights? I would think that would help your chances. Am I wrong? It seems like this is more about what you want versus your election chances. Why are you trying to make him something he isn't? You can't force him to love me." I lecture him.

"Shut your whorish mouth!" Lester yells at me.

"Whoa, calm down, Dad. She's right. Don't talk to her like that!" Mitch yells.

Georgia On My Mind - Second Generation - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now