Chapter 34 - Long Lost Letters

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Georgia's POV

I've been at Mitch's parent's house with him for a month. I'm growing very tired of staying here. I want to go home and be with my family. I'm beginning to think there's not going to be an end to this hell that is my life currently.

Mitch is working from home every day. He has begged me to get out of the house and go shopping. He keeps pushing his credit card down my throat to go shopping. I have absolutely no interest in spending his money. I spend my days lying in bed watching television as I am not motivated to do anything but see my family. It's been a month since I had spoken to Momma. I haven't seen my little girl, and it's tearing me apart.

Mitch comes into the bedroom to see me. "Georgia sweetheart, please go shopping, get out of the house. I can't stand to see you like this. You have been this way since you picked out your wedding dress."

"I don't want to, Mitch. I'm fine where I am."

"No, you aren't. Do you want to go get your nails done or something?" he asks.

"No, Mitch. I don't want to get my nails done. I want to go home. Can't you see this?"

"Georgia, I promise I'm working on it."

"It doesn't look like you are," I respond in a condescending tone.

"Well, take my word for it, okay. I'm not trying to be mean but get your ass up and get out of the house! Get some fresh air! Go for a swim! I don't give a fuck; do something for Christ's sake!" he replies sternly.

"Can I go by myself? Can I take my phone?"

"Nope, you will go with Skip, and you have to leave your phone with me."

"Ugh, God! This is fucking ridiculous!" I yell as I quickly roll out of bed and storm past him to go to the bathroom.

I turn on the shower and wait for it to get hot. I strip off my clothes and brush my teeth. He comes in, eyes boring a hole right through me. "Turn around, Mitch I'm naked!" I yell angrily.

"I don't care! I'm worried about you."

"Yeah? Well, don't! I'm fine! I'm a big girl!"

"Please just take my credit card and go shopping or something?" He pleads.

"When are you going to see that I don't want your stinking money, Mitch? I don't care about it. I just want to be in the arms of someone who loves me...who loves this body...who ravishes me.... You are depriving me of my basic human need by keeping me from him! You are depriving me of being with my child!" I cry out.

"I'm so sorry, Georgia. I'm not trying to deprive you of anything. Please understand. Would it help if I give you a time frame?"

Grabbing my full attention with his statement, I freeze for a moment and glance at him before hopping in the shower; then, I peer out from behind the curtain. "How long?"

"Give me up until we say I do. That's in two weeks. I'll have this figured out in two weeks. I know it's pushing it, but I got this almost figured out."

"Alright." I sigh.

"Listen, I sent out invites to your entire family. They have all RSVP'd," he states.

"All except John Luke, I'm sure."

He grins ear to ear. "Oh no, he's coming too."

"How do you know?"

"I sent out the exact amount of invitations for each, and every person in your family, and every single one came back."

I bite my lip and try to fight back a smile, but I'm elated. "Go shopping, sweetheart. Don't fret. I will take care of everything, I promise. You are my best friend, and I love you. I hope you know that." He says as he stands outside of the shower curtain.

Georgia On My Mind - Second Generation - Book OneWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt