Chapter 6 - Don't Take Me Down With You

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The next day, Momma takes me shopping to buy some pants since it is getting colder outside. We stop at the lingerie store first to look at the bras and panties. Her eyes are drawn to my chest. "You are going to wear a bigger size bra than I do, Georgia May." She hinted.

I feel my cheeks flush, and I look around to see if anyone was around that may have heard. "Momma, don't say that so loud, please?" I beg her as I cross my arms over my chest. She wraps her arm around me and chuckles, squeezing me playfully. I know she is right; I do have a big rack. We pick out a few bras and panties and continue to shop.

Next, we stop at the department store to look at the jeans. I pick out a few pairs I like and try them on. Then she helps me pick out some cute tops. She is the best shopping partner. She is so easy going and laid back. I feel like I can talk to her about most things, except for anything to do with John Luke. I worry she will tell Daddy; she does not keep things from him, so I do not dare say a word. She never asks me about him either. She does question me about the guys at my school and if I am interested in any of them. I always tell her no, and she is content with that answer. She doesn't press me too hard, so I am grateful for that.

After our little shopping excursion, she takes me out to lunch. It's nice to have a girl's only day with her. She must have known I needed it. Momma is good at sensing these things. We finish our meal and head back home.

Once we get home, I grab my bags to carry them inside. As I enter through the front door, I see Daddy sitting on the sofa, drinking a beer. "Got some pants, Daddy," I call out sarcastically as I pass him.

He chuckles. "Thank God. It's about time!"

Momma pats him on the shoulder as she follows behind me. He reaches up and grabs her hand and playfully pulls her onto his lap. I hear her squealing, so I rush to my room and close the door. I get that it's a good thing for your parents to still be madly in love and affectionate towards one another, but still. I rather not see it, so take it to the bedroom for crying out loud!

When I get to my room, I hang my clothes up in my closet. As I am doing that, my cell phone vibrates. I look down and see it's John Luke.

(John Luke) I loved the skirt you wore today. You are driving me crazy.

(Me) Take a cold shower. X


(John Luke) Thanks for the advice. When can I see you?

(Me) I can't see you tonight; It is a school night.


Him - Okay, see you at school tomorrow. Goodnight.

(Me) Goodnight.

I erase the texts so that Daddy doesn't see them and finish hanging up my clothes. I set my alarm for the morning and put some music on. Then I lay back on my bed and drift off to sleep.

The next day at school, Tracy leans in to tell me the latest gossip before the bell rings. "Hey, did you hear that John Luke's Dad caught him and Wyatt smoking pot?"

I gasp and cover my mouth. "No! Where did you hear this?"

She chuckles. "I overhead them at the lockers this morning talking about it. My locker is right next to Stella's, remember?"

"Oh, man! John Luke is going to be in so much trouble." I blurt out.

"Yea, I heard he's grounded." She whispers.

"Who? John Luke?" I ask curiously.

She leans in and whispers to me. "I am sure Wyatt and Stella will be fine because their parents do not give a shit. I'm kind of jealous."

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